Bees Knees
Mar 14 2008, 03:27 PM
We have an annual South Aus fishing trip to Port Broughton and she has come around again. We leave 1st of May. 5 days of big snapper and whiting. Can't wait!!
The charter has never failed to put us on the fish(which i think is pretty impressive. We always come home with a feed.
After each trip, the fish go straight into their cool room. On the last day we all throw $10 in and one of the deckies will do whatever is needed with the fish.. We come home with with a variety of cuts and any big ones that are filleted, the fins get put to one side. (i thought this was strange at the time)
We have a BBQ down there with the locals that have become friends over the years, and the spread that they put on is sensational. And they BBQ the fins in their (secret marinate-haha) marinate. They come up beautiful.
On the Saturday, we never fish. The town shuts and goes to the footy. Whether they are playing at home or away. We always find the can bar and chher them on.
What started as just a fishing trip a dozen years ago has grown into an annual thing where the fishing is almost secondary. Whenever someone from down south comes up here, there is a bunch of calls.. everyone drops everything.. and calls in for a few beers and a chin wag...
I suppose in a little keen to get back down there hey??
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 14 2008, 04:08 PM
I was velly keen last year to have done a trip to Sth Oz but it never eventuated & now figured wot the heck a bit of a hassle towing all the way down there & may as well fush my own backyard.
There is a group of boys from the SthSydney club who go down every year & have one of the charter boats booked for the next decade.
Speaking to one of them a good run of big reds occurs in January
Feb / march see's even bigger ones rock up but in fewer no's after that I was told the no's start to fade away
Mar 14 2008, 04:25 PM
Jed that sounds like a great trip!
enjoy yourself mate...
Bees Knees
Mar 14 2008, 04:34 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Mar 15 2008, 11:08 AM)

I was velly keen last year to have done a trip to Sth Oz but it never eventuated & now figured wot the heck a bit of a hassle towing all the way down there & may as well fush my own backyard.
There is a group of boys from the SthSydney club who go down every year & have one of the charter boats booked for the next decade.
Speaking to one of them a good run of big reds occurs in January
Feb / march see's even bigger ones rock up but in fewer no's after that I was told the no's start to fade away
They give us the dates.. We always do well there

But its normallly around this time. Sometimes we have to stop getting the biguns' cause we have already bagged out

Nice problem to have
Wher would you stop in to?? Whyalla?
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 14 2008, 04:40 PM
Jed you'll have a ball !
I've never fished Sth Oz & what really got me wanted to go was the Snapper
Prob one of my favourite targetted fush these days love watching their colours come to the surface esp very late afternoon.
Yep Wyalla was going to be where I intended to fish, had intended to do afew charters to get the local knowledge on the place then use my own boat after that.
Bees Knees
Mar 14 2008, 06:22 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Mar 15 2008, 11:40 AM)

Jed you'll have a ball !
I've never fished Sth Oz & what really got me wanted to go was the Snapper
Prob one of my favourite targetted fush these days love watching their colours come to the surface esp very late afternoon.
Yep Wyalla was going to be where I intended to fish, had intended to do afew charters to get the local knowledge on the place then use my own boat after that.
They are a nice looking fish, especially the big boys
The whiting are great also
Ive been to Whyalla, but i like Port Broughton. Little town of 2 pubs and 2 charters. They are all very, very, protective of there marks though, and why wouldn't they.
Mar 14 2008, 06:56 PM
Mar 15 2008, 12:27 AM
Awesome Mate, Would love to get down there soon.. Should have gone last year but missed it and booked out this year..
Is anyone interested in setting some dates for next year??
Mar 15 2008, 01:14 AM
plenty of big snapper and kingfish here in S.A funny thing is there are just as many big snapper in Adelaide as whyalla and the gulfs...
Whyalla is just one place renown for its snapper wealso get monster mulloway down here im talking 40kg monsters plus along the west coast not to mention big surf snapper to boot..
Mar 15 2008, 02:26 AM
Try going for them on SP's and light tackle (10lb I rekon). They'd go off!
It'l Do
Mar 15 2008, 03:01 AM
Never fished SA, visited Adelaide twice.
Would people prefer Whyalla because it is more protected from the wind?
Bees Knees
Mar 15 2008, 10:01 AM
QUOTE (Mully @ Mar 15 2008, 08:14 PM)

plenty of big snapper and kingfish here in S.A funny thing is there are just as many big snapper in Adelaide as whyalla and the gulfs...
Whyalla is just one place renown for its snapper wealso get monster mulloway down here im talking 40kg monsters plus along the west coast not to mention big surf snapper to boot..
Ive seen the kingies from there Mully.. They may even interest Jumpy

But we can only hope.
I think you blokes burley up with steroids down there.

Everything seems bigger
Mar 16 2008, 01:50 PM
Bees Knees
Apr 18 2008, 06:30 PM
Well it's only 2 weeks away now.. We have 12 starters.
I'm itching to get back down there. A couple of us are taking some light gear to pass the time between the fishing and the pub.
We will have the vidoe and camera on hand to show off when i get back
Rumpy, book a flight to Adelaide and i'll look after the rest. I think your coming down with the flu and need a few days
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 18 2008, 06:49 PM
If Rumpus goes dont think any fushing will be done
I reckon Bee's & Rumpus would never leave the pub
Bees Knees
Apr 18 2008, 09:35 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 19 2008, 12:49 PM)

If Rumpus goes dont think any fushing will be done
I reckon Bee's & Rumpus would never leave the pub

You have to support your local... But we always make it fishing
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 19 2008, 01:01 AM
Ten beer bottles
Hanging on the gunnel
Ten beer bottles
Hanging on the gunnel
And if one beer bottle
Should accidentally fall
There'll be nine beer bottles
Hanging on the gunnel
Bees Knees
Apr 19 2008, 02:38 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 19 2008, 07:01 PM)

Ten beer bottles
Hanging on the gunnel
Ten beer bottles
Hanging on the gunnel
And if one beer bottle
Should accidentally fall
There'll be nine beer bottles
Hanging on the gunnel

Hey jumpy, how much would this one weigh???
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 19 2008, 02:48 AM
Bee's that one is a rip snorta red.
A wayward guess ?? around the 12 kg mark
Reckon that one would've brought
Dickie to his
Nee'sHey Hey It's Saturday
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 19 2008, 02:55 AM
Bee's i edited your last reply & posted the pic via IMG option as it was very slow loading & the guys on dial up would've struggled viewing it.
ps] having 2nd thoughts about the 12 kg guess now that the pic is in front of me
Bees Knees
Apr 19 2008, 02:56 AM
Yes mate 11kg or something... Can you tell in getting itchy??..
The biggest was 13.2kg on the trips Ive been on.. Maybe we can start a guessing comp as to who caught that

But they tell me it's not like the old day's.
The bloke that is next to him passed recently. He loved his Vodca and his fishing. We may need to have a toast out there or something

Top bloke
It'l Do
Apr 19 2008, 03:00 AM
Dam picture not downloading.
Yep SA and top end are places I will fish one day.
Have fun Bees.
Jumpus GooDarus
Apr 19 2008, 03:00 AM
Well bee's another 6 weeks the 4 - 7 kg models will start runing off sydney & this yeah I'm going to fish for them.
Bees Knees
Apr 19 2008, 03:06 AM
QUOTE (It'l Do @ Apr 19 2008, 09:00 PM)

Dam picture not downloading.
Yep SA and top end are places I will fish one day.
Have fun Bees.

I've done both pal and they are fantastic. I even get to turn my mobile off for a few days
Bees Knees
Apr 19 2008, 03:08 AM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 19 2008, 09:00 PM)

Well bee's another 6 weeks the 4 - 7 kg models will start runing off sydney & this yeah I'm going to fish for them.
Oh well pm me and i'll give you some tips.

Well i thought it was funny........
It'l Do
Apr 19 2008, 04:37 AM
I would love to catch a big red, but want one with the massive deformed headbutt bump.
Nice fish Bees now the picture is working.
Is that bollard behind him motorised?
Apr 19 2008, 05:15 AM
My red the other week is not massive but was more than enough to please... Next year i will definatly fo a SA trip...
Jumpy, might start another thread, but would anyone care to elaborate on snapper behaviour? You say that bigger ones of sydney soon? Is this cause of colder water? I imagine that JB and BB will be the same? Will they enter the bays or are they offshore?
Bees Knees
Apr 19 2008, 12:38 PM
QUOTE (It'l Do @ Apr 19 2008, 10:37 PM)

Is that bollard behind him motorised?
Yes it is mate.
Bees Knees
Apr 19 2008, 12:43 PM
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Apr 19 2008, 11:15 PM)

My red the other week is not massive but was more than enough to please... Next year i will definatly fo a SA trip...
was a nice fish rumpy.. Anyone would be chuffed with that
Bees Knees
Apr 26 2008, 08:16 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 19 2008, 09:00 PM)

Well bee's another 6 weeks the 4 - 7 kg models will start runing off sydney & this yeah I'm going to fish for them.
I just realised it's 4 more sleeps and i'm off.
Just thought i'd rub that into you all
Jumpy, i would love to fish for the snapper with you one time, if your interested. I'll buy the 'V'
Apr 26 2008, 08:28 PM
Just thought i'd rub that into you all

thank u very much bees just what i needed
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