Well think I just watched the same repeat show , missed the start of it & no great loss that was.
Dont think I've ever seen a more unproffesional attempt to make a fishing video in all my years.
The main guy doing all the talking flapped his jaws a hell of alot but never said anything of substance nor was he very informative just kept flapping his jaws like you'd expect from a drunk person @ the pub.
Add to that his poor attempt telling viewers that the berkly braid was the only way to catch those snapper but every fish hooked took the bait from an outfit which was loaded with mono line not braid.
One guy got spooled they said it was a shark which I dont doubt but the outfit used was very light on line from the onset lucky to have been 3/5's spooled.
Yes peeps I'm very observant & look @ everything.
1/2 through the show flapper jaws was trying to promote the Shimano Snapper Rods used & right @ the end of the show on the far left side in the rod holder was one of those Shimano Snapper Rods sitting there with about 20 cm's of the tip broken off

The host of the show knew how to handle a rod I'll grant him that but you'd think he would've guided the young bloke fighting a snapper on how to work a fish back to the boat ???
Guy was winding but not gaining any line

Fish would go for a run taking drag & this guy would still be winding