Mar 12 2008, 12:09 AM
hey guys just lookin threw me old tackle box gettin some gear ready fro the trip to st clair and i was wondering if i should buy a new box or bag ,,what do you guys use and recommend ,,,,
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 12 2008, 12:22 AM
American Express
Dont leave home without it
Mar 12 2008, 12:42 AM
i said bloody takle box ,not credit card ya irriot ,,,hahaah
Mar 12 2008, 12:48 AM
I like the Plano ranges of boxes its sort of a mix, its hard plastic but offers everything the bag does plus more!
Pretty expensive though...
Mar 12 2008, 01:02 AM
I really dont like them plano's...
Never used them, butjust dont like em...
Currently I use two canvas tool bags that fit plastic boxes inside them... One has all the tackle and the other carries accessories.
Mar 12 2008, 01:05 AM
I prefer the good quality tackle bags with insert boxes they come in various sizes and all hold lots of tackle all laid out isolated and visible through the boxes.
I'll show you one of my Snake River tackle bags at St Clair.
Mar 12 2008, 01:09 AM
you just watch out when Sumo shows his Snake River tackle. I've heard about his snake and the local river levels.
Oh, to be serious - I have Plano boxes and more recently the nylon bags with tackle box inserts. I prefer the bags.
Mar 12 2008, 01:17 AM
Problem i find with the bags is if i put them on there sides things get mixed and if i put them down flat everytime i need the box on the bottem i have to take the rest out...
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 12 2008, 01:38 AM
Plano's are pretty poor quality
That's why I gave kk his
Probally ok in the fresh water enviroment but they cant handle the salt water scene
jason you Ninkompoopy you've seen what I use
Those who haven't mine are very similar to this one

Yep mine are the Brownings just slightly different to above, had them about 6 months now & are ideal for me having the 2 boats I just keep everything inside them.
One for stuff like hooks, sinkers etc & other for SP's etc I need a couple more to be honest to sort out the HB's
I may even get one & put up as a prize down the track if you guys behave & suck up to me
Honestly the Browning Bags are very good Quality
Mar 12 2008, 01:55 AM
The brownings are awesome quality, I only run bags and backpacks now so much easier to swap and mix for different applications I own around 4-5 bags and around 15 plano double 4700 boxes that I mix and swap around..
my bags are setup for different apllications eg hardbody saltwater small to medium species ,, hardbody large critters,, softplastic small and large and freshwater combined...
saves stuffing about with leader,grips,clips swivels etc etc every bag has a specific purpose and holds around 5 4700 plano boxes to boot.
I personally found boxes too hard to carry long distances, its easy if just kept on a boat but if you walk to destinations a bag or backpack is the only thing for you, saves your arms and fingers from dropping off.
Browning also make some very nice backpacks and softplastic smaller bags again cannot fault them and have served me very well.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 12 2008, 02:13 AM
Next time I'm @ my oldies
That's where I keep my boats & tackle I'll take some pics of some of the other Browning Lure Pouch's etc
To those of you who are thinking about this type of bag pay the extra & you wont reget it.
When we were @ jason's last trip I took one of those browning bags with me only prob was I had no idea which lures to load into them not being a Fresh Water Fisherman
Mar 12 2008, 11:28 PM
i wont have too buy one now cause im gonna win the one in the next comp mmmmmaaahahaaahahha
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 12 2008, 11:39 PM
I dont take Chooks & Ducks as bribes anymore
Mar 12 2008, 11:41 PM
how about 3 rabbits and a gopher
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 12 2008, 11:48 PM
What about Hens Teeth have you got any of those ??????????????
Cause that's how rare these bags have been for the past 4 months or so.
Unless you can find one hidden away in a tackle store somewhere.
They are so popular it's not funny & once you've picked one up & compared it to the cheaper bags you automatically choose to pay the extra money
Mar 13 2008, 12:32 AM
jumpy how many bags do you have ?
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 13 2008, 12:38 AM
A Few
Mar 13 2008, 12:55 AM
i've got two of those plano's and there good, one is one of the $120 ones, i use it for main stuff, so i do not have to take everything in the boat, and i got a little one for out in the boat, it cost $25 but i think thereworth it
Mar 13 2008, 01:27 AM
well give me one then i dont havetoo worry about buying one ,,,ahhahhahahahaha
It'l Do
Mar 13 2008, 03:20 AM
I use hard plastic tool boxes which inside I have smaller plastic tackle boxes. Problem is I need another one as this one is full.
Jumpy do the soft bags clean easy? I can see mine getting bait and fish slime/scales over it.
Does the salt stain/stick to the bag? Kids splash a bit of water.
Mar 13 2008, 05:03 AM
They clean up very well quite a heavy weave on the bags which washes off nicely no problems there at all..I hose mine out every now and then,I also own the Rapala shoulder bags and jarvis walker backpacks all are great quality.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 14 2008, 04:30 AM
Came across these today
Got asked what I thought of them
Said I was looking for something exactly like them & next thing you know someone was putting 3 of them in my car & it wasn't me.
A bit hard to see from the pic but they are shoulder bags
2 side pockets allow for small tackle box's
2 more pockets in the front allow for 2 larger tackle box's
Then there's all the room in the main compartment for storing V Bottles
Shoulder strap could use a bit of pading but thought these bags ideal for tossing in lures etc
Could have used them last trip up to jason's when we were walking the river bank tossing lures.
Think ideal if I want to walk the shallows @ Gudjamudja bay throwing lures about
Mar 14 2008, 04:35 AM
you do not need 3 jumpy give me and jas one

Mar 14 2008, 06:09 AM
QUOTE (It'l Do @ Mar 13 2008, 10:20 PM)

Does the salt stain/stick to the bag? Kids splash a bit of water.
Wow you are concern over a little bit of water. I purchased a new backpack and my concern was to make it look used so that when I leave this backpac by the rocks to go fishing some person does not come and pick this up thinking that it is valuable.
What a waste of time it would be to get all the hooks and sinkers in a new backpac.
The other thing is I only take a small sample of the gear when rock fishing just in case this does go for a swim.
Mar 14 2008, 06:14 AM
QUOTE (flattie_hunter @ Mar 14 2008, 11:35 PM)

you do not need 3 jumpy give me and jas one
It if best to get something for free but this is a backpac and it will contain fishing gear. Just purchase a cheapie one for the markets.
Mar 14 2008, 06:50 AM
QUOTE (Christos @ Mar 15 2008, 01:14 AM)

It if best to get something for free but this is a backpac and it will contain fishing gear. Just purchase a cheapie one for the markets.
why jumpy can give me on of his, he only needs 1

A pirate
Mar 14 2008, 02:34 PM
Im a fan of the old tackle box, it lives under my rear seat and is easy secured, where as a bag would not suit my application/set up.
Mar 14 2008, 03:51 PM
Being a plano owner i can see one positive of the bag...
since i always seem to kick anything in my boat when walking the bag wouldnt hurt as much on my unprotected toes...
you guys may start to be convincing me....
Mar 14 2008, 08:58 PM
You need a backpack when you are climbing over rocks. One hand for the rod and bucket and the other hand free.
Best to have waterproof tackle boxes just in case it gets wet. One time a friend and I were coming back from a new place that we fished from and we got caught at it being sunset. We had to cross an open part of water and knew that there was a little bit of a hole. Well my friend went took far to the right and stepped in the pool. He got out ok no problems there. We talked about it later and we agreed that his backpack floated so he was not completely submerged.
He had a plastic backpack and with all the change of clothes and other stuff that he carried it was like a balloon.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 15 2008, 12:10 AM
Was @ my oldies place 2day & remembered the camera
Main bags as seen in pic 5 tacle box's inside 2 smaller box's either side + pouch @ rear
Smaller bags on top very handy opened one I keep my YFT traces in the plasic pouch's other side acomidates tackle box in which I keep hooks, rings etc to make up any new traces.
Have a few of these keep SP's in others & tackle box's accomidate jig heads etc
Smaller pouch up front well just plastics in the pouch's
It'l Do
Mar 15 2008, 04:16 AM
I saw a bag EXACTLY like your main bag today. It was $30. Only had 2 left I might go and have a closer look after fishing tomorrow. My guess is they are from the same factory.
I assume you have seen the new Browing bag and I guess they have improved them. Have they?
Can you buy additional internal boxes?
I hope so as I cannot see the need to carry huge sinkers is river fishing.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 15 2008, 05:03 AM
I saw a bag EXACTLY like your main bag today. It was $30.
I dont think so in fact I know so.
What you saw was the concept of the bag & not the quality.
Good guess for $30 ??
It was a Plano or a No Name
The Rapalla bags are a better quality than the Plano's
Mar 15 2008, 05:32 AM
Ive got one of the rapalas here somewhere...
use to use it... might swap back to it as it has more room...
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 15 2008, 05:38 AM
They're actually very good to use Tom I couldn't go back to the other type of Tackle box's after using these
Mar 15 2008, 06:27 AM
Jump i cannnot remember why i stopped using it...
weve got a few lieing around the joint...
Mar 15 2008, 11:37 PM
ive seen a few good shakespere bags around lately ,,,i might look at getting one of them soon ,if i dont win the next comp ahahahha
Mar 16 2008, 04:08 AM
i like them but unless i win the next comp i am not buying one
Mar 18 2008, 12:30 AM
sumos got some good ones ,i might get one off him ,,,,
Mar 19 2008, 01:27 AM
KMart currently have the PLANO tackle boxes at half price. Saw a descent one today which was normally $70 going for $35....looked like a good tackle box........
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