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Full Version: Whats With This "posts In This Topic"
Fishing oz style > Chat > Have your say
Why doesnt it bring up all posts anymore?

comes up with the first post and then a lift of each post in the topic???
Rum u lost me mate ???????????????? can u give me a bit more info please :o :o :o
rum you on the turps mate
Jumpus GooDarus
Hot Diggity Dawg

its gone now... was on my work pc
it must have been all the Rum u been drinking :o :o :o
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Mar 6 2008, 07:45 PM) *
its gone now... was on my work pc

That is nice eh. Would not want work to get in the way of posting. tongue.gif
Here is a screen shot of what it looks like, its only on my work computer but does not happen on my home computer which leads me to beleive its an internet explorer setting, Ive tryed changing skins but no good?

Any Ideas?? Its really annoying not being able to read all posts?

Hey Chad,
Maybe your boss has woken up to what you get up to at work, and put a block on it. rum.jpg hysterical.gif hysterical.gif
Maybe you should ask the IT guy. The first question would be what's this got to do with work?
dunno it happen to me a few times, i hated it but i went back on later and it was fine
Your display mode was set to something else.
any ideas how to change it?
Jumpus GooDarus
Yep Yep

Push a few buttons & hope for the best hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

This board recalls any settings that you have made irrellevant where you're logged in from.

A good guess is someone has done the ** I'll stuff up the Rumpus Tricky**

On you work pc & I'd be looking @ browser settings
it only does it on my work computer?
Jumpus GooDarus
I know that you Brurry Irriot laugh.gif laugh.gif

Thats why I said someone has altered the work pc's browser settings & has probally put a block on theat window from appearing.

Just go through the browsers tools & unblock it
Some work Computers have restriction and so he might not be able to change the setting.
so very true Christos, they have a block on the computer at work now, so if i wont to get on at work i have to use a lap top that the tecky's forgot about. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Jumpus GooDarus
No I dont believe it's a purposely applied block.

Read what Rumpus has said he can access fishing-oz-style but not that wittle window

Browsers treat wittle windows as popups & if browser has had an update then that could be what is stopping the window from appearing.
I deleted all my cookies and cleared history and its come back to normal...

thanks anyways, still no idea why it did it?
Jumpus GooDarus
Hey Rumpus !

Try deleting all your cookies and clear the history

That may work tongue.gif
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