Mar 4 2008, 07:27 PM
Ok need help please
Dose any one know were to fish near Glenninns
only new up here
thanks alot MICK
Mar 4 2008, 07:37 PM
In the water??
No Idea mate, but welcome to the site. Hopefully someone can help you.
Jumpus GooDarus
Mar 4 2008, 08:20 PM
Geez Mick !
Think you'd be hard pressed getting a fair dinkum reply to that Q
Really think you need to be asking how to fush the fresh water scene cause I think there's not much difference between the dams/ rivers
Have been to Glenn Innes but that was prob 25 years back & dont remember a great deal about the place.
Mar 4 2008, 09:15 PM
Mar 4 2008, 10:18 PM
QUOTE (bigdog @ Mar 5 2008, 02:27 PM)

Ok need help please
Dose any one know were to fish near Glenninns
only new up here
thanks alot MICK
try pindarri dam mick i think thats your closest water hole
FISHING - There is good fishing at the Bonshaw weir which is stocked, Pindarri dam East of Ashford and at Copeton dam. There is also fishing in the weir at Inverell.
the quote is from this web site will know most of whats in there but its worth a look.
P.S. its a lot of years since i was there,i know that they have raised the the dam wall so it one hell of a big dam, enjoy
Mar 4 2008, 11:16 PM
mate ya could allways slip out to copeton dam for a fish ,there is cod ,yellow belly ,redfin,,and its a nice place too ,,,,,,mate if ya do an internet search for bullock mountain there is a good river there ,it has big cod and redfin ,its only about 15ks out towards the air port
Mar 5 2008, 03:17 AM

Thanks men
il look at thoese places
Going to stclair next week so may see som e of you there
I lived in singleton
I fished Copeton many years back. Only caught catfish from memory. The dam was pretty low back then, though.
Mar 5 2008, 03:24 AM
bigdog ,,ide say if ya hed east yu should get trout ,,,
Mar 6 2008, 10:21 PM
Hi Mick,
My Next door neighbour moved to Glenn Innes and is a Keen fisherman, they bought a Take away Shop on the Main Road, His name is Rick Moon go and introduce yourself to him and tell him you are looking for places to go fishing.
Just tell him the SUMO from Manilla sent you.
Mar 6 2008, 11:43 PM
yeah tell him that hell send ya the wrong way hahahhha
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