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Fishing oz style > Fishing Reports > Fishing Reports
Went for a quick spin this morning, to have a go with some small poppers. I took a Rebel clear, a no-name clear and gold (courtesy of Poly - thanks mate) and a Viva black and gold. I was using a Viva Spin 6'6' Graphite rod fitted with a Daiwa Capricorn 2000. What a great unit.

Second cast got a hit and I landed a small whiting. Amazed that such a small fish had a go at a lure which was not much smaller than it was. Next couple of casts got hammered by small chopper tailer, which were quickly released. Decided to moved 100m further along the wall, as there was a school of these small tailer. I got some big boils but nothing hooked up for the next dozen or so casts, so went to a corner of the bay, where oyster covered rocks bordered the sand flat. Got a better hit on the Poly Popper smile.gif and landed a 29cm whiting. I changed poppers to the bigger Viva one and got a couple of the biggest hits, which failed to hook up. After a dozen or so casts, changed to the Rebel clear. Got lots of follows and a few hookups on smaller whiting, before getting whacked a couple of metres from where I was standing. A better fish, which turned out to be a whiting of 34cm. Not bad for a bit of fun. I will be trying these again, in a nice spot I have in mind. Good to see that the whiting are around, and surprising to experience how hard they hit the lures.
why didn't you wake me biggrin.gif
those little wilsons work well kk and its good to see u out there using them biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
haah well done mate
Jumpus GooDarus
Plop Plop Poppers

kk when I read the title I though you were trying to have a CRAP laugh.gif laugh.gif

Yep I went down there lastflyday I think but didn't check tides prior to going it was @ it's last legs runing out & I wasn't going to stick around.

Did manage some wee choppers on the poppers though.
Pfft easy shit there. tongue.gif laugh.gif Try going for flatties on poppers, the strikes are breath taking. biggrin.gif

Top stuff.
So are we hitting the sandflats on Friday - or better still, the wreck? You will have to pump up the tyres on the trailer though. Noticed two of them were flat on the bottom. The tops were O.K. so you might get away with it. Better safe than sorry though.
awesome stuff guys.. were yuo fishing the eastern side of gunna kkw?? ya know greg sold his boats??
No I was fishing the northern end, near the ramp. Greg Shirley???
Great fishing.
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