Feb 16 2008, 02:22 AM
hey guys ,im gonna get back into makin me own lures and was wondering if you guys make any and if so what do you guys use and how do they go ?i make mine like the big dam busters as they have a good swimming motion and are great for freshwater fish ,tell me what you guys do ,,all you poor fullas anyway ,no good if ya buy em all lolololol
Feb 16 2008, 03:46 AM
good god your getting tight

all i know is that you can make them out of wood
Feb 16 2008, 04:53 AM
QUOTE (southcoastin @ Feb 16 2008, 10:46 PM)

good god your getting tight

all i know is that you can make them out of wood
HAHAHAHA no you cant!!!!!!!!!
wood will rot.... alum will corrode... Glass gets cancer.......
they need to be made from poly!!
Feb 16 2008, 07:07 AM
mine are made from hardwood or balsa depending on what im targeting.
bibs are POLYcarbonate and lazer cut usually from excess stock from manufacturers.
Paints are 2 pack car paint strong as guts and a ship load of differant colors out there.
I use spinnerbait wires stainless steel in varying grades, again depends on the toothy critter on target.
to put lures together 5 minute epoxy is the bee's knees.
all my raw glued lures are dipped in modellers dope to seal them up tight before painting doing this will stop rot and absorbtion if the paint is chewed off or cracked ,dope will absorb into the wood sealing it tight.
AS far a pictures of designs go practise makes perfect getting the bib correct and weights correct is a pain in the butt but when you get it right slight mods will make all the differnance in actions and depth.
Feb 16 2008, 04:31 PM
this is going to be a great thread as i have never tried to make a good lure but i will after reading the best way to go about it.
modelers dope??????? were do i get that from Mully.
Feb 16 2008, 08:01 PM
yeah i shape mine then drill the holes for the split pins ,yep i use split pins ,and then araldite them in,and then i fully emerse the blank into clear laquer for about half an hour ,then when they dry i give everyone a base coat of white ,so that there top coat is brighter ,then i paint them with an airbrush ,,,,,,,
Feb 16 2008, 09:27 PM
most model shops ,,remote control cars,model aeroplanes , remote aeroplanes sell the stuff its awesome and dries in around 10 minutes ready to sand or pain straight over no 24 hour waits...
I cut the lure in 2 and run a whole piece of wire through from bib to tail stops nasty buggas chewing me off or pulling my pins...
Feb 16 2008, 09:31 PM
There is nothing more satisfying than a fish caught on YOUR lure, sometimes I spend more on a home made than a commercial manufactured lure lol when you think about it a bit of time and money goes into making your own lure...
What bib material do you use jason ?
Feb 16 2008, 09:34 PM
i only use alloy sheeting ,im lookin at gettin some lexan off cuts though,,,, i like the alloy though as you can adjust the depth that they swim
Feb 16 2008, 09:38 PM
I also like the aluminium bibs great to fiddle with and strong as hell ,,started using the poly after a mate sent me a few free bibs now havent looked back...
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 18 2008, 05:32 AM
I can just picture jason sitting on the porch with a knife doing the Jed Clampet
Diddling away @ a tree to make a lure
Yep Yep lexan is unbreakable & you can even put it in a press to bend it up pretty good stuff easy to work with.
stainless would make ideal bibs but it can be a bugger to work with.
Feb 18 2008, 07:47 AM
not just that but when ya hit a snag and wrench it out its very difficult to remove from your forhead asa I found out once...
Feb 18 2008, 05:37 PM
QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Feb 16 2008, 11:53 PM)

HAHAHAHA no you cant!!!!!!!!!
wood will rot.... alum will corrode... Glass gets cancer.......
they need to be made from poly!!
Go the wood.
Feb 18 2008, 09:26 PM
o.k. j g how do u make those heads for the big trolling lures u were showing me. :o :o :o
Feb 18 2008, 10:00 PM
there prolly big lead heads poly ,if so there easy they melt lead and put it into old plastic photo jars ,thats how we used to make em if thats the ones ,,,lolol
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 18 2008, 10:13 PM
Yep Yep completely different from diddling a lure.
1st you make the mould then pour molten lead into it.
Feb 18 2008, 10:16 PM
Feb 18 2008, 10:16 PM
haha that was a good guess hahaha
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 18 2008, 10:42 PM
QUOTE (poly @ Feb 19 2008, 05:16 PM)

Well tickle me fanny !
You've got me stuffed poly I really have no idea as to which lures you are refering to ???????????????
Cant be the kona heads cause I only had the wittle boat with me on that trip so do a Pauline Hanson &
Please Explain
Feb 18 2008, 10:54 PM
QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Feb 19 2008, 05:42 PM)

Well tickle me fanny !
You've got me stuffed poly I really have no idea as to which lures you are refering to ???????????????
Cant be the kona heads cause I only had the wittle boat with me on that trip so do a Pauline Hanson &
Please Explain
yep there the ones u did have them with u, kona heads
Feb 19 2008, 02:04 AM
you could make them out of 2 part epoxy
Feb 19 2008, 09:52 AM
yeah that will work also...
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