Feb 15 2008, 09:28 AM
I picked up a luvias 2500 from Local tackle shop today,,nice little unit it will be my new mully/freshwater setup...
It is sitting on the Team Diawa Zero 6'6 8-12lb bit heavier than my usual.
The rod piccys are a scan of the 2008 buyers guide as I couldn't find anything online as far as pictures go..

Will put a few piccys up of my setup soon im lazy today..
Feb 15 2008, 04:27 PM
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 15 2008, 04:51 PM
They're not bad wittle rods Mully if it's the one I'm thinking of.
A mate got one last week & I had a bit of a play around with it not familiarwith the reel though.
Feb 15 2008, 04:54 PM
the reels are the top of the range j.g, just about perfect in every way, i would love to have one i can tell u :o :o :o
Feb 15 2008, 05:46 PM
yea i with you poly
good luck with it mate. enjoy
Feb 15 2008, 07:52 PM
Lightness beyond your imagination[mine is 220grams loaded], strength beyond comprehension, completely corrosion resistant, for the first time in the world in the sports and fishing industry, Daiwa introduce ground breaking technology that will change the future of the modern fishing reel – Zaion.
Zaion technology opens up a completely new world of the development for the modern spinning reel, a reel that is hyper light, strong and corrosion free, in 2007 a new reel is born that will set the standard for all to follow, the new all-rounder reel – Luvias.
“Zaion” is a brand new type of material, simply explained it is a high density carbon resin. To understand “Zaion” first we need to understand the other materials that are used in the production of the modern spinning reel. First, Aluminium, this is one of the most commonly used materials. It is easily machined, relatively corrosion resistant, extremely rigid and very light. But in recent times has become expensive. Magnesium, often used in the development of high end reels, it is incredibly light and strong. But it has low corrosion resistance, very expensive, requires extremely high technology to achieve corrosion resistance and precision at the same time. And last universal plastic or FRP (fibre resin plastic) – resin reinforced with fibre glass – this can never compare to other materials for lightness and strength but it is fully corrosion resistant and economical.
This is where “Zaion” steps in; many manufacturers creatively use each different material depending on the characteristics that are required to produce reel bodies. The new “Zaion” material replaces glass fibres with carbon fibres to create an extremely rigid, strong material. The material is first “cast” then machined to create a body that exhibits the same precision and strength compared to that of magnesium or an aluminium body. Yet it is the same weight as magnesium but fully corrosion resistant.
The new Luvias spinning reels using “Zaion and Real Four” technology delivers enhanced performance almost equal to Daiwa’s flag ship models. This highly precision machined body, is equivalent to Daiwa’s famous “Air Metal” technology, it is not only light and tough but shows superior performance far beyond any other reel material available today.
Daiwa’s Real Four design reels set the standard for the future of spinning reels. The engineering precision is flawless. Just one turn of the handle reveals the effortless, fluid motion of 7 bearings working together with Digigear II for optimum meshing of speed, power and durability. The sound of the oscillation is not just quiet its non-existent, with a fully dampened gear and drive to eliminate unnecessary noise and vibration. Daiwa’s levelwind system lays line evenly in a cross wrapped pattern to prevent dig-in under pressure and eliminates casting loops, while the sealed drag stays dry as water and drains quickly and easily from other parts of the reel. A true legend, with its computer designed “Zaion” body, body cover and rotor, super strong, yet ultra-lightweight Air Bail, ABS Air Spool with cut-proof, titanium nitride lip and lifetime bail spring, its no wonder that Luvias is the future of the modern spinning reel.
* Digitally designed Digigear II
* Silent oscillation II
* Twistbuster II
* Cross wrap
* Machine-cut high accuracy “Zaion” body and rotor
* 7 stainless steel ball bearings inc. 4 Corrosion resistant CRBB ball bearings
* Superfine Dura-aluminium machined main shaft
* Machine cut engine plate
* Rotor brake
* Hyper Tournament Drag
* Air Spool – an engineered resin, metal plated hybrid spool with titanium coated lip
* Washable design
* Ultra light rubber coated cork handles inc 2 ball bearings
* Machined aluminium handle
* All saltwater friendly.
* 5 year warranty
* Eco package (recycled material)
Thats a bit of info from Daiwa's site they explain a bit better than I do..
They are not to of the line POLY the steeze and certates are top stuff but at $700 plus each I cannot justify the money when the luvias at $350 has the same features at a fraction of the cost.
Anyway it was like said to spoil myself I dont have any reels besides my baitrunners that cost me over $200 but this reel is awesome the feel and weight matched up with the rod is awesome "I love it" the little bugga has around 7kg plus of drag pressure not bad for a 2500 sized reel.Lookout mulloway and cod here I come.
Feb 15 2008, 09:26 PM
it is cutting edge technology Mully and at $350 dollars my friend i have to say that is top of the line stuff, i have a daiwa td S.O.L. 3000 that is just the ducks guts at 278 grams loaded it will do me.
p.s. i have it loaded with 3kg braid so i have not tested the limits of the drag yet.
it cost me $270 at the time

that was the look i got from possum when i bought it
possum has two reels that she uses on a regular bases one is a Mitchell avocet s500ul it has proven its self many times over and at a fair price to, with a weight of 178grams and matched with a Wilson live fiber rod 2to3kg she can cast all day
her other reel is a daiwa advantage 1500 and at 267 grams its a bit heavy for its size having said that it is very smooth with a very good drag and matched with her Fenwick rod it makes for a well balanced out fit
well thats what possum and i am using so come on u lot what is your best out fit

i hope i have not hijacked your thread Mully. IF u ever get sick of the outfit u can send it my way if u like
Feb 15 2008, 10:18 PM
The SOl would have to be the best all round reel I know of ,,awesome reels and a no brainer when it comes to reliability..The SOL has the same /similar guts, all are real 4 design and great little units.
My biggest "search" so to speak for reels nowadays is drag systems [smooth] lightness and reliability come a close second everything else doesnt matter in my opinion.I want something that works the drag is like the gearbox of a car you can have as much muscle as you like from the engine [owner] but in actual fact without the gearbox your car is useless.
Dunno about you but drag is number 1 and I dont care what make a reel is I have a couple of pfluegers at $120 each their drags are the same as the penn's 7 ss and 2 felts awesome drags at a very very good price.
But why make money if ya cant spoil ya self ...
Feb 15 2008, 11:22 PM
how true how true Mully, when i think back to the days of making my own drag washers to try and get better performance out of a reel and the fish i have lost just makes me cringe. :o :o :o
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 16 2008, 01:51 AM
Zaion technology opens up a completely new world of the development for the modern spinning reel, a reel that is hyper light, strong and corrosion free,
A Bold claim Mully considering they're only refering to the reels body.
But even your El Cheapo reel with graphite/plastic bodies are also corrosion free.
This that staement by Daiwa is very mis-leading after all the bearings aren't corrosion free not the brass or internal moving parts esp in the hands of somebody who treats their gear like crap & wash's salt into them by using fresh water under pressure from a hose to wash down that gear cause they'll be forcing any salt on the reel into the reels internals & that's when you'll see how corrosive these reels are.
I would've be paying to much attention to the 5 year warrantee either most decent reels have been carrying a 5 year warrantee for years.
Feb 16 2008, 02:00 AM
looks nice mate ,good luck with it
Feb 16 2008, 06:47 AM
not my write up, was a copy of diawas write up from their catalougue...
Daiwa make a lot of bold statement as do many reel manufacturers "anything to sell" ,,differance is I have used them for years and know they are good quality. the reel has quite a few crbb bearings 4 in fact thse little buggas are not cheap and worth their weight in gold was lucky enough to witness a crbb test regarding corrosion resistance of the bearings over days weeks and months in salt water And to put it simply not many bearings could hold their own.
I agree no bearings are anti rust but crbb are damm good regardless and take some serious punishment if delivered...
the material zaion has the great charecteristic of being 100% corrosion resistant now to make spools and other items in the same fashon will truely build a once in a lifetime reel.
Any reel will die a slow death if mistreated but when you spend $300 plus on a reel who is stupid enough or rich enough to treat it like crap anyways ,,not I !
Feb 16 2008, 06:54 AM
warranty's are only as good as the companys ability to hold it up only a few manufacturers actually stand by their claims a lot try and avoid any form of warranty what so ever.
I have dealt with shimano and diawa and a few others that stand by their workmanship some others are a scam.
Again all this comes into play when buying a reel for me 1. quality,praise from others who use the equiptment 2. warranty and ability to deliver 3. price and performance who buys a reel or rod now days without hearing a bit of praise about them or knowing they are already good because the missus or friend bought one for you or recommended them.
Feb 16 2008, 04:41 PM
Feb 16 2008, 09:35 PM
it is so much more satisfying when you know it will be a no hassle fix up nothing worse than trying to defend your reason for the reel screwing up ...
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 18 2008, 05:45 AM
Mully I'm a little bias with fishing gear these days we all have our favourites & mines not Daiwa or Shimano but if I had to choose I would go for the Daiwa's really think Shimano has got to many models out there.
I do however read into claims made on specs & yes with all co's alot is new fancy words it's called marketing & that's why I picked on those claims made by Daiwa.
Just to give you an example & you can try it for yourself cause I dont have your reel, get a magnet & see if it sticks to the bearings & main shaft, you'll find it will simple because stainless is to soft a metal to use in bearings etc & they have to add iron into the composition & that's why I queried the corrosion free aspect of the claims.
I'm not allowed to introduce it B4 it's release but wait till you guys get a looky @ my new little toy velly spoofylacockasen.
10+1 S/S bearings, smooth as that's all I'll say for now & those who dont want to pay the big $$$'s I think you's will like this toy.
Feb 18 2008, 09:05 PM
so how long till the release of the new toy J G if they are that good i may have to saky u a get one for me as no one carry's them in the A.C.T. :o :o :o
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 18 2008, 10:08 PM
Dont know poly but you guys will be amoungst the 1st to know.
Just finished spooling mine with some ANDE 3kg & put it on that Browning spin stick I had down the coast.
After being laid up indoors for past 3 weeks cant wait to get out & give it a try out, wont be taking the boat just go for a walk in Pt Hacking have been eager to give this popping thingy a go.
May even get footage for Mully's home porno video show
Whoops meant lure video show
Feb 19 2008, 02:50 AM
oh youll get a nestie ,,,lololololl
Feb 19 2008, 09:51 AM
Your a sick sick man
Feb 19 2008, 08:46 PM
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