Mulloway have 2 distinc species very similar but different none the less down south here they are mulloway-Argyrosomus japonicus previously Argyrosomus hololepidotus but they had a name change... OTHER NAMES: JEWY, JEWFISH, SILVER JEW,
mulloway up North in the tropics are MULLOWAY- Johnius diacanthus OTHER NAMES: JEWY, JEWFISH, BLACK JEW,
There fins are dark yellowish in appearance, the tail fin is pointed distinguishing it from the southern jewfish or Mulloway.

Northern black jews

The coloration of fins and tail are more profound yellow on the blacks and the black spot behind the pectoral fin is more profound..I can also see a differance in the shape especially in WA mulloway personally I reckon we have 3 species WA south and Northern they all look different to me.... lol but I love them the same