Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 13 2008, 02:39 AM
CATCH@@ rang to ask for some links that I use so decided to start a thread & turn it into a sticky
www.seabreeze.com.au...............Winds, Swells etc etc
http://www.seabreeze.com.au/graphs/nsw.aspwww.cmar.csiro.au........... Offshore currents
http://www.cmar.csiro.au/remotesensing/oce...rents/index.htmwww.tidetime.com.................All your tide needs anywhere in oz
http://www.tidetime.com.au/tidetimes/index.phpBoating Maps
Feb 13 2008, 02:01 PM
Marine Parks Authority, To check out where you can and cant fisho on your next triphttp://www.mpa.nsw.gov.au/NSW Storage Reports - Dam Levelshttp://waterinfo.nsw.gov.au/sr/index.htmlSea Surface Temperaturehttp://www.marine.csiro.au/~lband/web_point/Bonzle - Great MAPS Weather and useful stuff, like clickable depths, FAD locations etc etc..Includes ocens floor terrain profiles and weather and tides etc etc..
oz man
Feb 24 2008, 01:53 AM
Do we have any more as I,m about to create a html format page for all these and put a tittle in the members bar next to the Gallery .Any suggestion as to the tittle.
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 24 2008, 02:08 AM
Good thinking oz & yep I have alot morI only pinned this thread for the benefit of a new member + anybody else interest
How are you going to do the Page, Catergories etc & I'll dig up links
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 24 2008, 02:15 AM
Think alot of people will find links to knots very useful I can do most of them just cant allways recall the names
http://www.animatedknots.com/indexfishing.phphttp://www.marinews.com/some rope knots
Jumpus GooDarus
Feb 24 2008, 02:18 AM
Is that a new tidetime?
Old site updated the site was out for a few weeks
oz man
Mar 7 2008, 01:39 PM
come on people where is some links so I can create a page and make a Heading on the top next top say the gallery called helpful links.
I know i will put the heading up so you can see what I mean , even thou it will be dead.
oz man
Mar 8 2008, 02:58 AM
Now that what I,m talking about Thanks Sir reel
Now go and give it a try and see if you all like it and whether there is more to add.
Sir Reel
Mar 8 2008, 04:10 AM
Marine Parks Authority, A place to check out where you can and cant fish on your next trip
Marine Parks
Same link?
Mar 8 2008, 02:02 PM
Well done on the list of links
Could you please add a line to get back to the fishing site.
Or get this page to open to another page?
Thank you
oz man
Mar 8 2008, 02:16 PM
No problem will put another home button in when I get the chance.
Mar 8 2008, 04:46 PM
Mar 8 2008, 06:21 PM
QUOTE (oz man @ Mar 9 2008, 09:16 AM)

No problem will put another home button in when I get the chance.
Thank you