I understand the anodising process. It is not a coating like paint.. It's etched with electrolysis (spell).
That is correct !
But none theless anodising is still a coating think that's where you didn't understand what I meant, scratch that coating & you expose the alloy no different to having something chrome plated the process is still called electoplated but scratch the chrome coating & whats exposed ??
The steel , alloy , brass etc & in the case of it being steel rust , brass will tarnish etc etc
I can have 7 Different lengths of the same shape of extrusion and after they are dipped in the tank @ the same time, for the same duration.. we have 7 different shades of metal
Yep & like you said if those lengths aren't from the same batch colour will differ, so will if the wall thickness's aren't the same
Obviously not in powdercoat though
Nope powder coating is just paint & only way colour will differ is if colour match on the paint is not the same & if I recalled powder coating has another name
Electro Static metal is conditioned to make it static to the paint have seen it done but that was many moons ago