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> Mediation, Please don't upset the Apple Cart
post Jul 7 2007, 03:55 PM
Post #1

*The Manilla Gorilla*

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It is a sorry situation when we have members disagreeing on threads to the point of drastic upsets, I for one like to have my say and sometimes am very opinionized, but when this sort of thing happens it is distressing to the parties concerned to the point of them resigning from the forum, even if it is only a temporary absence, I myself feel greif at what has transpired and I don't have a Phone number or Email address to contact the distressed party and share some consoling words, after all this is ONLY a discussion Forum of members with a common interest, and although COMMON we all have our opinions, If this sort of thing happens (and it WILL again) please Don'T take it to Heart, and if you onlookers do have a number for the member Please remember that we could all do with a little Consolation every now and then. It is with great admiration that I respect the association of members with the same interests, even if it is of a different variance, Remember we do have common goals to achieve, we use different Styles, different Boats , different Reels, different Rods, and live in Different Places, so it is natural to have different Opinions, BUT we Still Have A Common Interest.

This post has been edited by SUMOFISHIN: Jul 7 2007, 06:01 PM

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post Jul 7 2007, 07:51 PM
Post #2

the yack man

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it is important to remember why some of us turned to the sight in the first place, for me it was to escape the savage mods were we were. i have the greatest respect for the members caught up in this dispute and i hope that they can come to an understanding that we are hear to have fun and help one other, some times all it takes is a polite p m to sort things out biggrin.gif

bugger it's sold,got meself a house instead

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post Jul 8 2007, 12:16 AM
Post #3

*FruitLoop* 53

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I agree guys.. that is all!
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oz man
post Jul 8 2007, 02:03 PM
Post #4

The Guru

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Interesting I didn't see that but as Sumo said conflicts will happen as people have their own opinions and the best way is to fix it is to discuss it on a friendly bases. As this forum and my other 2 forums are based on common interests and people being mates with a Common goal to be MATES and share tips and stories etc. So who ever the parties maybe please think about your Mate ,and talk it thru and if you want a quite section just yell and I will be most obliging, and give you both a section which is only for you and can only be accessed by both parties involved.

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Jumpus GooDarus
post Jul 8 2007, 03:19 PM
Post #5

His Eminance

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QUOTE (oz man @ Jul 9 2007, 07:53 AM) *
Interesting I didn't see that but as Sumo said conflicts will happen as people have their own opinions and the best way is to fix it is to discuss it on a friendly bases. As this forum and my other 2 forums are based on common interests and people being mates with a Common goal to be MATES and share tips and stories etc. So who ever the parties maybe please think about your Mate ,and talk it thru and if you want a quite section just yell and I will be most obliging, and give you both a section which is only for you and can only be accessed by both parties involved.

I'm one of the peeps this thread is about, think you've known me long enough to know there's no bigger SH*T stirrer on the net than me even though I've calmed down alot these days.
But in all my stirring over the tears I've never sworn @ anyone & as you very well know I'll turn anything into a joke but in amoungst my joking there's also a serious side & if a Question is asked I'll endeavour to answer it & this is what I'm about to do now in regards to this matter for the rest of you.

In the short time this site has been up I think we've done pretty well esp for the small handfull of active members who keep the posts rolling in & fish has been a big part of it & is still welcome to do so.

I once commented back @ SF that I never had any interest in being a MOD when catchnrelease started that thread about me & punkin & I stand by that comment, here I'm Admin which makes it even worse for me.

As you all vary well know we cant all agree on everything & conflicts will allways be unavoidable it's human nature we dont all think the same esp with humor !

There's been alot of posts I haven't liked & if it were on any other site esp with Moderators to police threads a hell of alot more posts would've been deleted from this site thats why no Mods have been appointed here think you'll all agree I've been pretty easy going with deleting members posts ??

Up till now only had to do it once B4 & when I did I also started a new thread asking peeps not to turn the more serious threads into jokes not a good thing to do when we're trying to attract posting members which so far we've failed to do all of us here have either known one another from other sites of a mate has led us here.

In my personal view I dont think we're gonna attract new posters if everything is a joke, now if I've been able to tone down my FART arsing around in order to do so then I dont think it's a big ask from others to follow suit, nothing wrong with having a joke but it's alot different than turning threads into a joke.

etting back to the reason this thread has come about, ne thing I wont tolerate here is swearing or name calling of others members

The term Silly Bastards was used when someone disagreed with other peeps replies so I deleted that post & that person took offence well stiff sh*t
The forums are there for all to post their thoughts in & I was accused of making everything about me which is utterly ridiculous I always give reasons why I think this or that is the correct way I dont just jump out & say this is how its done & start name calling & everyone here has the opportunity to debate me or anyone else for that matter if they dont agree it's what makes these forums tick.

It's called conversation without it we're dead

There was another thread where sarcasum was thrown me & I let it go but when I ran through the shoutbox the other day & found the someone in had been playing silly buggers in there & refering to me as Y + other things all because I deleted his post well that did it for me.

I went back to his other ppost & added a touch of umpus Sarcasum which he didn't think was to funny, ne thing you guys should know about me I can dish it out better than anyone but I can also take getting paid out, I could've gone around deleting every post in regards to me but I much prefer to throw come backs people.

Like I said I'm not a big fan of being Mod or Admin but I am now & I've had to make alot of adjustments in the process & yes I do & will make more mistakes along the way I dont want to turn this site into a happy go banning site just because I or anyone else dosen't agree with me I deal with it my way & if you're gonna carry on in a certain way then I'll treat peeps in that way.


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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Arnie Dog
post Jul 8 2007, 05:55 PM
Post #6

*The Dog Master*

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Guys I still don't understand why we in society think it is funny to so call S**&% Stirr others. I have a sense of humour but I don't care who you are we all have feelings. I don't know what happened the other day but I have been stirred most of my life and I tell you what "I hate it" Do I like a laugh YES do I like a joke Yes but not at others expense. I think ALL of us need to be respectful of others feelings. Because some of us can take a pizzlin some of us can't because of past hurts in our lives or what ever. And NO I am not a counsellor or a self righteous born again Christian. I have been just as responsible for hurting others in my past but I chose a good while ago to change my attitude.

Just A thought


The George Street Shuffle
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post Jul 8 2007, 07:07 PM
Post #7


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From: lurnea

Member No.: 22

ok i have to add my $2 to this, i cANT help myself,

as i dont know what was said or what this is about but

but a wise man once said to me..................................

when conflict occurs there are 3 thigs that need to be done,

1) grab a case of beer

2) fill up the boat

3) lets all go fishing

there is nothing in this world that cant be forgiven and lets all remember that this life that we all live and this world that we are all on, we are only here for a very short time, so lets all make the best of it and have a great time,

ok ok enof serious talk from me im starting to sound like my :angry wife:

............GLOBAL WARMING............



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post Jul 8 2007, 07:57 PM
Post #8


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that wise old man got his thoughts write.
lets all go biggrin.gif

Goony Googoo
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post Jul 9 2007, 12:11 AM
Post #9

*FruitLoop* 53

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im in
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post Jul 9 2007, 09:01 PM
Post #10

the yack man

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bugger it's sold,got meself a house instead

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post Jul 9 2007, 10:36 PM
Post #11


Group: Members
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From: lurnea

Member No.: 22

what ya mean poly by :offtopic:

by saying that we should all follow the wise man its taking it off topic

............GLOBAL WARMING............



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post Jul 9 2007, 11:14 PM
Post #12

*Bi Catch*

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I rekon this site is great the way it is... B) B) B)


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post Jul 10 2007, 12:43 AM
Post #13

the yack man

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QUOTE (hustler57 @ Jul 10 2007, 04:26 PM) *
what ya mean poly by :offtopic:
by saying that we should all follow the wise man its taking it off topic

not at all hustler, i put that little icon up to let people know that if they think there thread is being hijacked just put him up and every one will know the thread starter is not happy.
by the way when do we leave.

bugger it's sold,got meself a house instead

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post Jul 10 2007, 12:48 AM
Post #14


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When you get the grog. biggrin.gif

Goony Googoo
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Jumpus GooDarus
post Jul 10 2007, 04:06 AM
Post #15

His Eminance

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QUOTE (STEVE.P @ Jul 10 2007, 06:38 PM) *
When you get the grog. biggrin.gif

Give it a Rest Will you

Yo're not funny when same joke is repeated in a thread over & over again

I rekon this site is great the way it is...

It is catch but the trick is to attract new posting members & that's a bit on the hard side when every thread is turned into a joke I posted this thread some time back & it was agreed we wouldn't turn all threads into a joke.


Well that didn't last to long did it ?

I dont know how you guys read posts or how you absorb what's going on but I read into the overall picture of things & of late I watched one topic get dragged into another with the same silly remarks not to mention the sacasum aimed @ me, all of which I let slide.

But I wont put up with people calling others siily bastards just because they dont agree with what that person said, now if that remark was intended just @ me I would've dealt with it in a different way but it was bastards not bastard & I would've made a monkey of the person in Q.

Any name calling or swearing @ another member will be deleted as soon as I see it, there's no need for that type of thing & YES I can swear better than anyone just piss me off & you'll find out but I find making a monkey out of someone works alot better. laugh.gif

Up till now this place hasn't needed any MODERATION expect for a couple of incidents let's keep it that way shall we.

Which brings me to another reason why we get alot of lookers but no posters.

We dont have enough topics of interest, Rum started a few & they were being turned into a joke that's what started getting my temper up !

Maybe I opened the shoutbox up to early, but it's here now & think it would be missed if I turned it off, basically all I'm saying to you guys come up with a few Q's etc & start a thread with them even though they may sound silly you'll find they are the most popular ones & peeps will post in that thread.

Most nights I come home brain dead I read but not in the replying mood


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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oz man
post Jul 10 2007, 11:25 AM
Post #16

The Guru

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By the sounds some need to read.


it can also be found in the top left of the screen Fishing oz style Rules Please read

This site is meant for fun and friendship and that is really the basic rule and as my co admin has said we have been easy and relaxed and want to keep it that way.

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post Jul 10 2007, 08:22 PM
Post #17


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[quote name='Jumpus GooDarus' date='Jul 10 2007, 10:56 PM' post='3040']
Give it a Rest Will you

Yo're not funny when same joke is repeated in a thread over & over again

over and over again.
as I can see im not hyjacking any ones thread people have voiced there thoughts , as I have get the grog and lets go. It was ment to lighten the mood, I replied to the wise mans thoughts and agreed. WE SHOULD ALL GO FISHING. Then replied to when do we go. When you get the grog. As wise man said. Grab a case of beer ,fill up the boat, and go fishing. I was not having a go at anyoneas for same joke I dont recall when you get the grog HAS EVER BEEN THERE BERORE.


maby you should find the wise old man.

This post has been edited by STEVE.P: Jul 10 2007, 09:01 PM

Goony Googoo
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post Jul 10 2007, 08:28 PM
Post #18


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From: sydney

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QUOTE (poly @ Jul 8 2007, 02:41 PM) *
it is important to remember why some of us turned to the sight in the first place, for me it was to escape the savage mods were we were. i have the greatest respect for the members caught up in this dispute and i hope that they can come to an understanding that we are hear to have fun and help one other, some times all it takes is a polite p m to sort things out biggrin.gif

polite PM

Goony Googoo
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