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> 27th Jan
Jumpus GooDarus
post Jan 27 2011, 02:52 AM
Post #1

His Eminance

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Wot a top sleepy sleepy last night was ratchet after yesterday.

Anyway went to wash down the goat after yesterday & was going to replace control cables but didn't really feel like it.

TOOVLO came around to annoy me yap yap yap

Ended up deciding to go have a fish for sum squids plics have been a bit naughty of late mind ewes shitty swells last few times I'd chased them.

Only did this cause The Fish Scarer had ling ling'd me earlier & I knew he was doing worky's nowhere near the water to scare all the fish away laugh.gif laugh.gif

Like a lake out there but had to really work hard for the squids solo effort cause TOOVLO was no help exept for 2 blinds squids which he caught by accident laugh.gif laugh.gif

Was going to run out to the peak but couldn't be bothered & decided to hit the Bay instead, really cant believe the lack of baitfishy's on the sounder all day a couple of my favoured spots didn't produce any girls so moved to Bare Isle.

Lost 2 squids to Teeny Bopper Girly's there & I wasn't going to wastse any more so pulled in gear & moved to Molly

Couldn't believe wot I saw just wun boat who was pulling up anchor again I couldn't believe wot I was seeing unreal how many clueless peeple are about, this guy was solo in about a 13 ft tinny.

Had motor running but his anchor was stuck I also know it's 10 meters deep where he was anchor straight up & down with anchor chain in his hands I'd allready seen him pull @ least 7 or so meters of chain into boat.

Gets better he then puts motor into gear in a bid to release anchor whilst still hanging on to chain thought I'd better stick around cause I could see this clown going into the drink & his boat driving away, his gunnel was only inch's from water all it needed was a nutter boats wash & this guy was swiming, eventually he managed to retrieve his anchor.

Back to fushing for us started with a couple of girls just under then I moved away from that area only had 1/2 doz squids left allready lost 4 to the Teeny Boppers

Knew next Girl was a bit better when I saw the rod bending over I was busy talking to Wozza's Girlfriend

She was busy laughing @ TOOVLO trying to land the fush eventually he did, just over 75 cm's

Picked the biggest squid next & put it out didn't last 10 minutes till it got hammered good fish as well it was peeling drag off the reel velly quickly so decided to pick up the rod myself fair bit of line out & wasn't looking to good with the fish heading into velly shallow water.

Wont repeat wot I said to TOOVLO after hooks pulled from the girl put I wasn't happy, unfortunately sum people have no idea when it comes to contolling a boat & prob the main reason I dont pick up rods velly often.

Down to last squid previous lot all boated kungs was far away out when last wun got hammed to warrant picking up the rod for a 2nd time knew TOOVLO couldn't bugger it up this time cause I told him he wasn't allowed anywhere near boats controlls.

Fish went pretty hard as well & was the biggest of the Day just over 80 cm's

Amazing wot ewe can ketch when there's no Fish Scarer's on the water laugh.gif laugh.gif


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Jan 27 2011, 05:13 AM
Post #2

BEN 10kg

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There some real nice size kings for Botany

So i think i got the secret, i wear my Ben 10 Bracelet i'll catch girly fish ? laugh.gif
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post Jan 27 2011, 02:46 PM
Post #3

*Back Better*

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We all know what he is like so he won't admit to it, but Jumpy is wearing 6" stiletto's and a handbag while prepping the boat for a day's fishing. This guarantees the girly fish to jump on his rod. tongue.gif


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post Jan 27 2011, 03:20 PM
Post #4

" Master of Black Fish"(alias The Criminal)"

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Nice kings for the bay. Reminds me of the good ol days when fish that size hit the jigs, outside. We used to curse that those 'rats' were crashing the jigs and 'wasting' out time. Mind you, we used 30lb jig rods back then, so an 80cm fish on 12lb would be just great.
Must get out there......... must get out there....... must.....
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Jumpus GooDarus
post Jan 27 2011, 03:37 PM
Post #5

His Eminance

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QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Jan 28 2011, 12:13 AM) *
So i think i got the secret, i wear my Ben 10 Bracelet i'll catch girly fish ? laugh.gif

BEN 10 may be a bit under powered ewe'll need sum Glen 20 as well laugh.gif laugh.gif

Not a lot this year but the bigger girls have been around 4 sum time best chances esp if ewe're low on bait is to hang out till the high tide

Have said b4 tis been pretty crappy this year for baitfish in the bay the few times heaps of bait has been around I've allways nailed the bigger girls & they've been big fat momma's yesterdays were a bit on the lean side.

This guarantees the girly fish to jump on his rod.

Rare pic up a rod gave good reasons for that my blood was boiling yesterday listening to crunching gears the high heels / handbag are for the crew & boy did TOOVLO look ugly wearing them laugh.gif laugh.gif


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Jan 27 2011, 04:55 PM
Post #6

*Mr Shiny Head*

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A couple of nice looking Kingies Jumpy, good to see the crowds disappearing too. All the kids go back to school next week. Bannana.gif


SEAFARER: Fine as a Fairy's Fart
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Jumpus GooDarus
post Jan 27 2011, 10:17 PM
Post #7

His Eminance

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QUOTE (kkw @ Jan 28 2011, 10:20 AM) *
Nice kings for the bay. Reminds me of the good ol days when fish that size hit the weed,
Must get out there......... must get out there....... must.....

Wont ewe bee in for a rude shock

Kungs have evolved they no longer eat weed laugh.gif

These days they order calamari for entree, then meat for main course

Offer them salad & they'll turn their noses up & swim away laugh.gif laugh.gif


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Jan 28 2011, 02:11 AM
Post #8

*Back Better*

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QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jan 28 2011, 05:17 PM) *
Wont ewe bee in for a rude shock

Kungs have evolved they no longer eat weed laugh.gif

These days they order calamari for entree, then meat for main course

Offer them salad & they'll turn their noses up & swim away laugh.gif laugh.gif

Same evolution as my kids????????

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post Jan 28 2011, 04:46 AM
Post #9

*FruitLoop* 53

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I liked the weed!

but then ill have some calamari, garlic prawns for entree

and a surf n turf for my main!
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post Jan 28 2011, 05:09 AM
Post #10

*Bi Catch*

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Good kings there, seems like it's just been rat after rat for most people.

With reports of wahoo and spaniards, though, I'm surprised you didn't have a crack at them? Not often you see fish like that all the way down here.


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Jumpus GooDarus
post Jan 29 2011, 02:35 AM
Post #11

His Eminance

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QUOTE (catchnrelease @ Jan 29 2011, 12:09 AM) *
With reports of wahoo and spaniards, though, I'm surprised you didn't have a crack at them? Not often you see fish like that all the way down here.

Did last Wednesday & the water has gone so have the big mahi's

Keep telling ewe googlefushy dont read to much into what peeps post in fishing reports, ewe'll generally find only about 5% of boats out there actually do any ketching & those are the boats who've stumbled across the good water.

Not to mention it changes day to day, fish that were here last week are now off pt kembla by the looks of it a couple of mates Bastards ling ling & woke me up this morn from down sth wun got a 120 kg stripe & cant recall how big udder wun was both in close.

Difference between off here & down there is place down there is crawling with bait mainly slimmy's

Like a dessert up here @ present snuck out after lunch spent 2 hrs for zero in the squiddy dept, just as well I packed sum frozen wuns.

Got back in the bay & realised I'd left the bombs on the udder goat tongue.gif

Ended up compromising using snappa leads still got girls but every wun undersize I was doing allright none of the udder goats bent a rod


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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Bees Knees
post Jan 30 2011, 06:44 PM
Post #12


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Got back in the bay & realised I'd left the bombs on the udder goat tongue.gif
getting a bit of a habit OLDmate.. biggrin.gif Where is your head at???????? biggrin.gif

Ended up compromising using snappa leads still got girls but every wun undersize I was doing allright none of the udder goats bent a rod
How often do you see this happening, hey? I havent seen anyone else getting into them at the 'carpark'...

On another note: Can you make up a contraption for your scotties to drop at Browns for Blue Eye and Gemmies please? I just pulled some big sash weights out of some old timber windows, and I want to use them... Let me know when your ready to catch these fishes of the deep!!! Thanks in advance...smile.gif biggrin.gif

Don't hate me, cause you ain't me... :)
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Jumpus GooDarus
post Jan 31 2011, 01:20 AM
Post #13

His Eminance

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Where is your head at????????

Not on my shoulders today, had wun of the plickest days I've ever had on the water.

Squids have moved but I found them eventually, even filled LBT with good size yakka's

Bit on the windy side out there bloody NE'r so had anchor out lecky was a pain in those conditions, pulled in the anchor went up front to pack things away bloody wind had got hold of the anchor rope & ended up tightly doing about 8 wraps around the prop, meanwhile NE'r is pushing me towards the rocks NOT HAPPY JAN mad.gif

I was a sitting DUCK now I know how ewe feel laugh.gif

A bit of quick tinking had me drop the lecky back down but it was a plic to keep boat straight in the wind only 20 meters off the rocks couldn't leave the lecky controls had to wait around 20 minutes for breaks to calm down which allowed me to get out anutter 20 meters.

Meanwhile I'd stripped down to my reg grundies & tied a rope to the goat & my waist, jumpus'd into the water & cut the rope away, thank god for sharp knifes tongue.gif

All that for Rat Kungs

Can you make up a contraption for your scotties to drop at Browns for Blue Eye and Gemmies please?

I dont call that fishing, I fish for sport not to fill up the freezer
It'll be a black day the day ewe see jumpus bottom bouncing @ Browns


Save The Fish, Eat a Pussy
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post Jan 31 2011, 11:31 AM
Post #14

*Mr Shiny Head*

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Another anchor to find with the new underwater video mate, what's the anchor score now 4, 5 or 6?
Never a dull moment with you eh.


SEAFARER: Fine as a Fairy's Fart
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post Jan 31 2011, 12:56 PM
Post #15

" Master of Black Fish"(alias The Criminal)"

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QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jan 31 2011, 08:20 PM) *
Meanwhile I'd stripped down to my reg grundies & tied a rope to the goat & my waist, jumpus'd into the water & cut the rope away, thank god for sharp knifes tongue.gif

That would have been a horrid sight. Glad I wasn't with you. I can see you ordering me over the side to cut the rope and then holding me under with the boat hook.
Done a few rescues under those circumstances in the police boat. Some very close calls for boats and they were so lucky that I was close by (trolling) each time.
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Bees Knees
post Jan 31 2011, 01:48 PM
Post #16


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I dont call that fishing, I fish for sport not to fill up the freezer
It'll be a black day the day ewe see jumpus bottom bouncing @ Browns

But i have sash weights!!!!!!!! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Don't hate me, cause you ain't me... :)
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post Jan 31 2011, 02:44 PM
Post #17

" Master of Black Fish"(alias The Criminal)"

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Just hang on to them Jed. Never know when you may need them. Best place to store them is under the floor of twoeyesee, in an inch or so of salt water. the water will stop them from drying out too much.
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Bees Knees
post Jan 31 2011, 03:08 PM
Post #18


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I just want to do it once poke.gif

Don't hate me, cause you ain't me... :)
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post Jan 31 2011, 03:33 PM
Post #19

" Master of Black Fish"(alias The Criminal)"

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I was talking about the sash weights, not the gemfish.
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Bees Knees
post Jan 31 2011, 07:00 PM
Post #20


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QUOTE (kkw @ Feb 1 2011, 10:33 AM) *
I was talking about the sash weights, not the gemfish.

Yeah, I know...

Don't hate me, cause you ain't me... :)
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