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Fishing oz style _ Gilligan's Island _ What Inspires You To Go Fishing ? Feedback Wanted

Posted by: quintrex101 Jun 7 2011, 02:59 AM

Hey guys

At school i do DT as one of my electives and i was considering building my own website as my 'Major' project.

It's going to be about fishing, i know that for sure, but i was considering making a website that makes people want to get out and fish, to get outdoors, to stop wasting hours 'playing' video games, so people can discover what an amazing sport we have at our doorstep, if get if you get what i mean.

So just a quick question, what inspires you to go out for a fish ? why and how did you get into fishing ? what keeps you going back for more ? why do you love it basically.

Any feedback is more than welcome.


Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Jun 7 2011, 03:03 AM

Well when i hear the niggers are on the chew i get a stiffy & get inspired to go fishing

Posted by: Rumpus Jun 7 2011, 05:00 AM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jun 7 2011, 09:03 PM) *
Well when i hear the niggers are on the chew i get a stiffy & get inspired to go fishing

Living 30mins away from Condo there are SOOOO many things i could get in trouble saying to that!

I get inspirited to go fishing by just getting the chance to get out on the water and relax, and catch a bigger fish than jumpus goo dorkus!

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Jun 7 2011, 05:05 AM

and catch a bigger fish than jumpus goo dorkus!

Ewe must be asleep & dreaming in a potato field

It'll never happen laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: oz man Jun 7 2011, 01:24 PM

If you need hosting and a domain let me know as I still have space on the server and I still own these domains., and can get .info domains for $3.00 a year.

Now the question is what are you going to write it in or are you planning on using a premade script.

Posted by: Fed Jun 7 2011, 03:06 PM

For me it was always the promise of trying different things, new baits, new fishing gear, new locations, new techniques etc.

Then the progression from land based to boating and it all started again with the added lure of new boat stuff to play with like radios, sounders, live bait tanks, GPS and so on.

It's been quite a ride going from Yakkas on the Cooks River stink pipe and under the Manly Ferry wharf to beach fishing, rock fishing, game fishing and now I'm slowly downsizing back to where I started.

I have to say that going back doesn't inspire me nearly as much as hitting the new frontiers did and I'm not looking forward to being that old bloke with the shiny head fishing for yakkas of the Cooksy stink pipe.

Posted by: quintrex101 Jun 7 2011, 10:11 PM

Thanks for the feedback guys, exactly what i need smile.gif

I'll get back to you on that on oz, i was just thinking of designing the site with Dream Weaver.

Posted by: Bees Knees Jun 7 2011, 10:40 PM

I like fishing in the summer, so i can get my shirt off and show off my supreme physique... Hope this helps with your studies Dan. hahahahahaha

Posted by: oz man Jun 7 2011, 10:51 PM

Interesting progam for HTML. Good luck with it and find a good template to make life easy for your self as Dreamweaver can be a bit complicated in the design side.

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Jun 7 2011, 11:02 PM

QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Jun 8 2011, 04:40 PM) *
I like fishing in the summer, so i can get my shirt off and show off my supreme physique...

We know Bees boy do we know

Just hope ewe get a wax job b4 next summer, found sum hair in the rolls ewe made last summer

Posted by: quintrex101 Jun 7 2011, 11:15 PM

QUOTE (oz man @ Jun 8 2011, 04:51 PM) *
Interesting progam for HTML. Good luck with it and find a good template to make life easy for your self as Dreamweaver can be a bit complicated in the design side.

What program would you use mate ? i've got the complete adobe pack so it's the only thing i know

Posted by: oz man Jun 8 2011, 12:16 PM

Well I use dreamweaver and it is my prefered but can be a challenge if starting from scratch in designing.
There is so many progams that are simple . eg word , publisher webnote if your good with html.Also most hosting company give you a progam like fantastico or softastico which have 100 plus pre written scripts . mod it to suit yourself.
examples of those are php forum, joomla and this list goes on. here is what I have for my customers and all they do is basically click the icon and the master script installs it and only asks some simple questions as it does it.

Forum Software

Blog Software
pMachine Free


Shopping Carts
OS Commerce
Zen Cart

Site Builders:
Templates Express

Image Galleries
4images Gallery
Coppermine Photo Gallery
PHP Gallery

Content Managment
Mambo Open Source

Other software includes
Noah’s Classifieds
Entropy Search Engine
PHP Chat
Counter Script
PHP List - mailing list
ViPER GuestbookPHP Support Tickets
Support Logic Helpdesk
Support Services Manager

Posted by: poly Jun 8 2011, 10:26 PM

What Inspires You To Go Fishing ?
.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the wife

Posted by: nimrod Jun 9 2011, 12:51 AM

I actually had rod holders on my bike back when I was around 12 years of age.
I would ride from Enfield to Laguno where I would race onto the ferry as it came
up on the ramp to let the cars off, and gather up some Garfish and put in a bucket
before the cars drove off, I would use these for bait. Also had block cheese which I would
catch blue nose Bream with.
As i grew up more I would ride to Como and hire a putt putt wooden boat with single cyl
engine which you started by rocking and spinning a huge rear flywheel and when it started
you would throw a lever and this would engage gear and off you would go.
When I turned 16 i bought my first boat/motor and trailer 12 foot quintrex and 4hp Johnson motor
too young to drive so i would con my older Nephew to drive it down to the ramp and
pick me up at a set time and I would go fish Botany Bay .
When I got my licence I would travel to different locations and was always exploring new
fishing grounds, by the time I turned 19 I had discovered the Peak and bought a 17 foot 1/2 cab
with 60hp johnson, under powered but I didn't know any different back then.
I grew up with fishing and it just has always been in my blood.
I remember I used to run away from home and go up to the Hawkesbury and fish till
someone would dob me into the coppers and they would ring home and mostly my
big brother would come and collect me from the police station.
These days I have just about done everything there is to do with fishing and I mostly enjoy
the company of mates and it doesn't matter even if I don't wet a line, i will travel anywhere
just to be with good mates and if we go fishing then that's just a bonus.
Got too many boats that don't get used so gonna start selling some of them.

Posted by: quintrex101 Jun 9 2011, 05:32 AM

Thanks for the OZ i'll think i'll look into getting a template, or i'll have a looky at the other programs, as soon as i get my desktop moved into my room i'll start (i hate using my laptop for that editing type of stuff)

Thanks for the feedback guys, Frank that's a good write up, love the running away and going fishing until getting dobed into the coppers, that's the best story i have read by far.

Been getting heaps of feedback on other sites as well, goes to show just how amazing fishing is

Posted by: nimrod Jun 9 2011, 03:35 PM

QUOTE (quintrex101 @ Jun 9 2011, 11:32 PM) *
Thanks for the OZ i'll think i'll look into getting a template, or i'll have a looky at the other programs, as soon as i get my desktop moved into my room i'll start (i hate using my laptop for that editing type of stuff)

Thanks for the feedback guys, Frank that's a good write up, love the running away and going fishing until getting dobed into the coppers, that's the best story i have read by far.

Been getting heaps of feedback on other sites as well, goes to show just how amazing fishing is

I remember one time, maybe the first time I ran away from home, it was after
my brothers had come back from a fishing trip to the Hawkesbury ( my brothers were older then me, I was the youngest of my parents children 9 in total ) and I wanted to go and do what they had just done.
In those days you could get a train ticket to go anywhere within the metropolitan limits, for 1 shilling ( which is the equivelelant to now 10cents ) and I got a train which took me to Cowan ( last stop ) anyhow I spent all day wandering around looking to find the river, ( I knew it was up that way somewhere ) ( and I didn't want to ask anyone cause they would ask why I wasn't at school ) , somehow I found myself in which I later found out to being Hornsby and was wandering around about 9pm at night when a motor bike copper spotted me, anyhow he bundled me into the sidecar of the bike and took me to the police station and phoned home to get my brother to come and pick me up.
While I was in the cop shop all the coppers were talking to me about fishing, and they were amazed
that I had cheese for bait, and one of the cops arranged with my brother to take him and me fishing about a fortnight later ( in the hawkesbury in a boat,,,,,Whoopie ).
I have many stories about my misspend youth finding new adventures and new fishing locations.
Fishing was probably the biggest cause of my lack of education, I wagged school far too frequently, got expelled twice and finally left at 14 to go into the work force so I could buy the latest fishing goodies,, things haven't changed over the 50 years since.

Posted by: quintrex101 Jun 10 2011, 01:18 AM

Haha love it mate that's gold, the coppers talking to you about fishing, talk about fishing bringing people from all backgrounds together !

Might put that up on my site if you don't mind, going to put some stories up and that by far made me smile the most

Fishing is a little more then a addiction smile.gif

Posted by: NetPez Jun 10 2011, 02:43 PM

I agree with poly
when the wife says
wash the car
mow the lawn
chop wood
do this
do that

Only kidding darling biggrin.gif

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Jun 10 2011, 05:05 PM


When the wife says
wash the car
mow the lawn
chop wood
do this
do that

You either do it or cop the rolling pin laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: quintrex101 Jun 11 2011, 01:19 AM

^ Exactly laugh.gif

Posted by: oz man Jun 11 2011, 02:53 PM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Jun 11 2011, 11:05 AM) *

When the wife says
wash the car
mow the lawn
chop wood
do this
do that

You either do it or cop the rolling pin laugh.gif laugh.gif

Interesting only the rolling pin not the Ironing cord with the iron attached.

Posted by: nimrod Jun 11 2011, 03:21 PM

QUOTE (oz man @ Jun 12 2011, 08:53 AM) *
Interesting only the rolling pin not the Ironing cord with the iron attached.

Sounds like the voice of experience tongue.gif .

Posted by: poly Jun 11 2011, 05:29 PM

QUOTE (oz man @ Jun 12 2011, 08:53 AM) *
Interesting only the rolling pin not the Ironing cord with the iron attached.

now that's got'a hurt Help.gif Help.gif Help.gif


Posted by: storms72 Jun 12 2011, 04:45 AM

Relaxation and food. We all enjoy some quiet enjoyable time and the spoils of our efforts are just a bonus.

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