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Fishing oz style _ Outings _ New Meeting

Posted by: nimrod Dec 7 2009, 02:10 PM

I was thinking of organising a meeting between the guys when Martin returns to Sydney
some time in or around March next year.
I was going to just have a BBQ at my place, but don't think this would be a good idea as
I doubt if anyone would bother coming.
So I suggest we go to the same place where we have had a couple of meets in the past at the
marina down near the capt cook bridge.
Anyone interested please let me know here.

Posted by: MartinF Dec 7 2009, 04:45 PM

That would be really cool Frank! The meeting last time was great all around I reckon.

I should be back around the 4th of March and leaving around the 20th-24th sometime, but I'll let you know once I booked my ticket. Won't be much later and we won't be arriving much later either since my mate has to go back to work.

Posted by: kkw Dec 8 2009, 12:37 AM

You mean the St George Motor Boat Club? I will come along if I am back in Sydney. Doing the Great Ocean Road in Feb, so may not be back in time.
How about we have a pre Christmas drink at the same club. Who would come along? Have to be in the next week or two I guess.

Posted by: jack Dec 8 2009, 09:00 PM

Count me in Frank

Posted by: Christos Dec 9 2009, 11:23 AM

I am interested, at the meeting at the club as we did last time.

Posted by: hustler57 Dec 31 2009, 05:51 PM

im up for a meeting in march... sounds great

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