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Fishing oz style _ Have your say _ Merchandise

Posted by: jack Apr 2 2008, 09:47 PM

I am sure it has come up before, but can't find it

Are there any plans to come up with merchandise like boat stickers or caps/polo's/tees?

This could increase the overall awareness of people to this site, and also help lpeople to recognize each other on/near the water. Specially since so many come from the sydney/NSW area the chance of running into on another is pretty big but most of us never seen each other


Posted by: Sir Reel Apr 2 2008, 09:59 PM

Good Idea Jack

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 2 2008, 10:41 PM

OK here's my thoughts on the subject for you's to think about.

Initially when it was suggested we only had a handfull of guys who showed any interest & coming from a bit of a buisness background

Just because something sounds good on paper dosen't mean it's a feasable proporsition $$ wise & back then I could see myself with a whole heap of gear that I paid for & nobody wanted.

What I have been trying to do since then is convince my friends @ a certain fishing tackle importing buisness to bring out a line of fishing shirts etc my jaw dropped when I looked @ the price of those Shimano shirts.

I'm not old but getting there in a couple of decades or so tongue.gif anyways these days the sun takes it out of me if I dont cover up & these shirts are ideal very lightweight they allow the breeze through & best of all with sun cancer awareness these days are ideal.

Couldn't see a prob getting sewn into the back of them if peeps are interested ???

Caps ??? Well all here & elsewhere who have met me have recieved one of the sites sponsors caps suppose could get fishing-oz-style sewn into them as well

Stickers ???

Well now with what I think is a semi - success with the Auctions Forum I may take some of the funds from it & get some stickers etc etc made

But unless I get some serious show of no's none of this will happen

Oh the merchandise spoken of with be sold to you guys @ maybe a dollar or 2 profit which in turn will go back into the Charrity Kitty

So have a think about it & let me know

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 2 2008, 10:54 PM

I would purchase a Shirt's hats and stickers!

go for it jumpus... Stickers are cheap and easy...

Hats are easy, and shirts arent alot either... get 50 of each and see how they go...

what about stubbie coolers... can see a few of them going around!!

Posted by: Sir Reel Apr 2 2008, 10:57 PM

Put me down for a sticker or two biggrin.gif

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 2 2008, 10:58 PM

what about a fising oz style poly boat.... cheap for members?

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 2 2008, 11:08 PM

Rumpus the Hats are given to this site free of charge & all it would cost is the additional embroidery fishing-oz-style to be added if peeps are happy to have the Viva logo up front as well

Stickers work out pretty cheap as long as I or someone else dose the artwork & cutting allready inquired @ a mates shop

Also Brag mats those when they eventually arrive will be given out to the members here free of charge.

There was critisisum of having site sponsors in one of the threads but there are also benefits as well.

Again it's up to you guys what you want on the merchandise

Posted by: flattie_hunter Apr 2 2008, 11:14 PM

i think it be great i buy 2 for the boat smile.gif i buy the hats as well peace.gif and the brag mats free thats even better

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 2 2008, 11:17 PM

yep yep sounds good mate..

as long as viva are happy to have us on their hats?

Brag mats sound good!!!

thats a great pic mate!! coulda shown the big one!! haha!!

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 2 2008, 11:29 PM

QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Apr 3 2008, 05:17 PM) *
thats a great pic mate!! coulda shown the big one!! haha!!

Your Wish
Is My Command

Posted by: Christos Apr 2 2008, 11:38 PM

I will be happy for a sticker or two. The shirts are ok for the 50+ uv rating. I keep one in the backpack all the time.

What is a brag mat? I am thinking some sort of mat with marking of measurements.

Posted by: oz man Apr 2 2008, 11:53 PM

Posted by: flattie_hunter Apr 3 2008, 12:23 AM

thats great about the brag mats i was going to buy one but there worth like 20 bucks or something ... jumpy/ozman do you think it be good to have another link on this site to lead to desktop background for pcs like on sp ... you know like a photo of botnay fish .. i mean it cost notting i can make them and if someone is over someones house and goes on the computer then they ask hey what fishing oz style .... and then there could be more members joining up because thery seen the ad on another friend pc ... get the idea

Posted by: flattie_hunter Apr 3 2008, 12:31 AM

biggrin.gif like this

Posted by: poly Apr 3 2008, 12:36 AM

QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Apr 3 2008, 05:54 PM) *
I would purchase a Shirt's hats and stickers!

go for it jumpus... Stickers are cheap and easy...

Hats are easy, and shirts arent alot either... get 50 of each and see how they go...

what about stubbie coolers... can see a few of them going around!!


Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 3 2008, 12:42 AM

QUOTE (poly @ Apr 3 2008, 06:36 PM) *

Yes poly it's a bloody big one on Rum's shoulders isn't it ???? laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: jack Apr 3 2008, 01:19 AM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 3 2008, 07:42 PM) *
Yes poly it's a bloody big one on Rum's shoulders isn't it ???? laugh.gif laugh.gif

Stickers with the URL decent size I'll stick on my boat.

THose lightweight shirts UV protection are excxellent (I'll have biggest size prolly, can we have a fitting?)


Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 3 2008, 01:30 AM

haha!! yea.... but ya shrunk the fish!!! It was TWICE that big, I SWAER...

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 3 2008, 01:31 AM

what about tags or tatoo's...

When we catch fish we can tag/tatoo them with fishing oz style.... ill draw up a pic!!

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 3 2008, 01:35 AM

Jack & to the others who wanted to pay for their stickers !

They will be free of charge simply because they are promoting the site & dont think it fair members should have to pay for them.

Think the go with them is to be printed on clear laminate & we may have 2 0r 3 different colours on the lettering/logo

I for one cant have a dark colour cause it wont stand out & the guys with white boats cant have a light colour.

I really think the long sleeved shirts are the way to go but may also look into V - Neck T-shirts as well

I'll have biggest size prolly, can we have a fitting?)

Dont know about tailor fitted laugh.gif laugh.gif

But I also like the bigger sizes so there will be a few sizes

Posted by: flattie_hunter Apr 3 2008, 01:39 AM

need a small one for me tongue.gif

i think black for white boats and maybe white for yellow polys tongue.gif

They will be free of charge simply because they are promoting the site & dont think it fair members should have to pay for them.

i think thats fair ... i'll take 4 ... 2 for boat 2 for tailer whatta think

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 3 2008, 01:40 AM

Posted by: jack Apr 3 2008, 01:47 AM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 3 2008, 08:35 PM) *
Think the go with them is to be printed on clear laminate & we may have 2 0r 3 different colours on the lettering/logo

What is the Logo anyway?


Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 3 2008, 02:04 AM

Buggered if I know !

We dont really have one unless you guys deem my Smugglers 2B the logo ???? tongue.gif

Posted by: Phil Apr 3 2008, 02:33 AM

Well Jump that could be another comp.

Posted by: Bees Knees Apr 3 2008, 02:41 AM

QUOTE (Phil @ Apr 3 2008, 09:33 PM) *
Well Jump that could be another comp.

What a budgie smuggler comp Phil?? Thats a bit brash isn't it? tongue.gif

Posted by: It'l Do Apr 3 2008, 03:00 AM

First off I do not see Viva as a sponsor more a supporter of the site, which Jumpy has done a great job. If you have ever tried to get dollar/freebies from a business you will know what a great job Jumpy has done because he has managed to make them ONGOING.

Shirts, win-win for both Viva and the site. Embroidery may be "scratchy" if on the back shoulder line. Printing may be better and it can be printed on the whole back for the same price (only each colour adds to the cost). Pitty winter is almost upon us and get more big sizes.

Stickers, we need artwork.

Brag mats, BRILLANT, Jumpy for around $4 each (max) you can add additional printing.

Caps, stick to Viva, not really enough room to promote the site. But it would be good if Viva put us as a link on their website.

I am willing to help, done a bit of this with organising 4WD competitions.

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 3 2008, 03:25 AM

Just to start off with I'd like to say to Phil & Bee's !

You guys have got Buckleys if you's think anybody other than Jumpus could possible win a budgie smuggler comp

I'm a Natural
hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

Now Freddy !

Yep Yep Viva are more a supporter than a sponsor & I may have Jumpused the gun earlier when I said proceeds from any sales should go to the charitty kitty.

Had a rethink & think we should leave the charity thingy as it is as Viva only donate to this site & the ones who benefit are you guys.

Up to oz man of coarse & dont expect him to say NO laugh.gif laugh.gif

I think any proceeds from merchandise should go into paying this sites bills whether that merchandise has been donated or not

Posted by: jack Apr 3 2008, 04:39 AM

QUOTE (Phil @ Apr 3 2008, 09:33 PM) *
Well Jump that could be another comp.

I started already did I win did I win hysterical.gif

Posted by: It'l Do Apr 3 2008, 04:47 AM

Guys now we own the domain name as well, I suggest any logo should be written as

The capitials help a person read the name a hell of a lot quicker and make no difference with typed it to locate the site.

Just my 2 cents.

Posted by: oz man Apr 3 2008, 12:10 PM

QUOTE (flattie_hunter @ Apr 3 2008, 07:31 PM) *
biggrin.gif like this

You mean a wallpaper , well that's up to the individual the same as a screen saver but the idea is good and I could make a download link to the ftp to allow people to obtain it.
So show us what you have got in designs and let see , as all advertising in great for the site.

Posted by: Christos Apr 3 2008, 05:53 PM

QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Apr 3 2008, 08:31 PM) *
what about tags or tatoo's...

When we catch fish we can tag/tatoo them with fishing oz style.... ill draw up a pic!!

For a minute there I was thinking that you were taking about tatoo's you put on your body.

How would the fish like it if the rest of the gang met up with them and they found out that fish was a member of another gang. They would beat him up or send him to swim with the breathers.

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 3 2008, 09:04 PM) *
We dont really have one unless you guys deem my Smugglers 2B the logo

O please, let us not go there.

Posted by: CATCH22 Apr 3 2008, 10:58 PM

QUOTE (jack @ Apr 3 2008, 11:39 PM) *
I started already did I win did I win hysterical.gif


Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 3 2008, 11:50 PM

QUOTE (jack @ Apr 3 2008, 10:39 PM) *
I started already did I win did I win hysterical.gif

Actually that wouldn't make a bad Sticker @ all onya twit top

whoops 4got the S again laugh.gif laugh.gif

Map of Oz dead smack in the middle of the word oz

Posted by: poly Apr 4 2008, 12:25 AM

QUOTE (jack @ Apr 3 2008, 11:39 PM) *
I started already did I win did I win hysterical.gif

think i have looked at this a dozen times, and it has grown on me, well dune jack it would look good on the poly

Posted by: jack Apr 4 2008, 12:52 AM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 4 2008, 06:50 PM) *
Actually that wouldn't make a bad Sticker @ all onya twit top

whoops 4got the S again laugh.gif laugh.gif

Map of Oz dead smack in the middle of the word oz

Uhhhhhh.....twit top is reserved for and trademarked by flattie-hunter isn't it??

So you like to see the map of Oz moved sideways?


Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 4 2008, 01:05 AM

My Apology's Jack

I really thought it was Twit Top who posted that pic & like I said I thought it was very good nice & simple but saying alot

As for you Daniel you've still got the title of Twit Top laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: jack Apr 4 2008, 02:34 AM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 4 2008, 06:50 PM) *
Actually that wouldn't make a bad Sticker @ all onya twit top

whoops 4got the S again laugh.gif laugh.gif

Map of Oz dead smack in the middle of the word oz

like so?


Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 4 2008, 02:37 AM

Very close Jack prob do with a smaller map of oz

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 4 2008, 02:50 AM

what about fishing oz style buggie smugglers... they would get noticed for sure!

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 4 2008, 02:58 AM

Leave the comody to the Proffessionals Rumpus

You SUCK @ it laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 4 2008, 03:04 AM

that wasnt a joke!

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 4 2008, 03:27 AM

The things that I do for you Rumpus laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: jack Apr 4 2008, 03:33 AM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 4 2008, 09:37 PM) *
Very close Jack prob do with a smaller map of oz

take your pick


Posted by: SUMOFISHIN Apr 4 2008, 02:51 PM

For Many years I had Polo Shirts Screen Printed, I gave them to friends and even sold them in the shops, they last for many years, I still see them on the streets and have seen them all around the country, especially up and down the Qld Coast where I travelled a lot. they could be Printed up using Jack's Logo It could say something like I'm A member of

Why don't you Join.

Here is a sample of My old Shirts

Posted by: kkw Apr 4 2008, 03:32 PM

Another thought. Maybe Jack can play around with it?

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 4 2008, 03:44 PM

I vote for jumpus's one!

Posted by: Christos Apr 4 2008, 04:30 PM

QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Apr 5 2008, 10:44 AM) *
I vote for jumpus's one!

I vote not.

And the not have it.

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 5 2008, 02:38 AM

QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Apr 5 2008, 08:51 AM) *
For Many years I had Polo Shirts Screen Printed, I gave them to friends and even sold them in the shops, they last for many years, I still see them on the streets and have seen them all around the country, especially up and down the Qld Coast where I travelled a lot. they could be Printed up using Jack's Logo It could say something like I'm A member of [b]Why don't you Join.


Those types of shirts are pretty easy to get , but would like to give evllybody an option of those long sleeved shirts I spoke of earlier as well

I have my work shirts embrided years back ocassionally I wear them & the embroidery still looks good on them & opposed to screen printing they look alot classier.

I'll take a pic of one & post it

I haven't inquired yet but some of the raingear peeps wear on my boats is not the best & was wondering how many would be interested in a decent type of Jacket ????????????????????

Mine I bought from from a safty wear shop & cost me about $80 & let me tell you's it's very waterprooh & very warm

If enough are interested we may get a wholesale deal shops generally have a 100 % markup

Posted by: It'l Do Apr 5 2008, 02:59 AM

Yes I am interested in both light and heavy raingear but we need numbers.
Problem I have is most shops only stock to 2XL (Chinese version is a small 2XL) and with raingear it needs to be worn over clothes and I prefer it loose. So Australian sourced raingear from an industrial supplier would stock the really big sizes.

Posted by: jack Apr 5 2008, 03:14 AM

Some more to ponder, looks better on a stubby holder :-)


Posted by: jasonb Apr 5 2008, 03:32 AM

QUOTE (jack @ Apr 5 2008, 10:14 PM) *
Some more to ponder, looks better on a stubby holder :-)


i like that one ,it would look good on a cap and the back of a shirt ,,,good one jacky jacky

Posted by: It'l Do Apr 5 2008, 03:50 AM

QUOTE (jack @ Apr 5 2008, 10:14 PM) *
Some more to ponder, looks better on a stubby holder :-)


Jack a fish outline or bones would look good in the middle of that one. I would do it for you but I do not have Photoshop on this PC.


Posted by: jack Apr 5 2008, 03:55 AM

QUOTE (It'l Do @ Apr 5 2008, 10:50 PM) *
Jack a fish outline or bones would look good in the middle of that one. I would do it for you but I do not have Photoshop on this PC.


I did have something in the middle but decided against it. I do not like clutter (generally speaking).
That boney thing would be a nono in my opinion as you'll find that them all over ausfish already


Posted by: jasonb Apr 5 2008, 04:07 AM

what about "viva" written in the middle ,,,just thinkin out loud ahhahah

Posted by: oz man Apr 5 2008, 05:37 PM

here is some idea,s from cafepress


Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 5 2008, 06:41 PM

Freddy you have to be mindfull that images such as those bony fishy's belong to somebody & you may be in breach of copywrite, whereas the map of oz you would not.

Yep Yep oz just a wittle emblem on the front & a bigger one on back of shirt

Now as I mentioned earlier below is a pic of my old work shirts they were embroided not screen printed & they've lasted very well over the years.

ps] logo on back is actually bigger than it's size in the pic

Also think that quality shirts should be chosen some of those crappy El-Cheapo's wont last 20 wash's

I do know someone in the industry & will ask next time I see him

Posted by: poly Apr 5 2008, 07:21 PM

QUOTE (oz man @ Apr 6 2008, 11:37 AM) *
here is some idea,s from cafepress

PHOTOS 1 AND 4 i think will be the way to go, the idea of the sponsors name being on the gear to me is wrong, this type of thing is about the site the site and only the site

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 5 2008, 07:24 PM

QUOTE (jasonb @ Apr 5 2008, 10:07 PM) *
what about "viva" written in the middle ,,,just thinkin out loud ahhahah

Nope !

We're talking about the sites merchandise here

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 5 2008, 07:27 PM

Must agree, the simple idea is good and easy! If we can get it edited up nice in some good colours? Blue and Dark blue or somthing and have a jpeg img, we can use online and in the forums and sigs etc and a simpler version for shirts and caps..

Posted by: jack Apr 6 2008, 04:28 PM

QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Apr 6 2008, 01:27 PM) *
Must agree, the simple idea is good and easy! If we can get it edited up nice in some good colours? Blue and Dark blue or somthing and have a jpeg img, we can use online and in the forums and sigs etc and a simpler version for shirts and caps..

PNG is a well known/used image file standard nowadays which allows for much better transparancy than GIF, so the logo can be put on any colour background and still look good. JPEG does not allow for transparancy at all I believe so your stuck with the background colour that it was made with.

Jumpus if you like it just let me know and I'll send you the photoshop files, if not fair enough I can change and or delete easily
It was just an idea that I was playing around with.


Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 6 2008, 05:03 PM

I'll make some inquiries 1st Jack

See what sort of pricing I can get on merchandise ect

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 18 2008, 02:39 AM

OK guys

I made some inquiries today even got a cattlelog of some shirts etc but left it behind so cant post any pics rolleyes.gif

Anyways will go in next week to have a looky @ the shirts but I didn't see any of the Columbian types shirts in the book which I think may be the more popular ???????????????????????????????????????

Just need some show of hands as to how many are interested ??????

If you're not serious please dont put your hand up I dont want any non genuin peeps throwing out the pricing structure of the shirts.

Now products allways look nice out of a book but I like to see the product in person & get an idea of the quality

There's both polyester & cotton shirts cotton will breathe the poly's wont

For these polo neck shirts embroided with logo will go approx $20 each

Have no idea how much the Columbian type shirts will cost

As far as caps go ????

Well as mentioned earlier & I asked 2day & there's no probs getting as many Viva Caps as I want free of charge oz man had allready inquired & looking @ around $3 - $4 per cap to get embroided + a couple of $'s on top of that to go to site maitenance which I think is fair considering caps are over $10 in shops

Posted by: kkw Apr 18 2008, 02:44 AM

I would be in for a shirt .....

Posted by: poly Apr 18 2008, 02:45 AM

if they are the long sleeve cotton shirts then count me in smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

Posted by: jack Apr 18 2008, 02:58 AM

I'm in

Still very interested in the Columbia type shirts as well.


Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 18 2008, 03:00 AM

I'd like to see a choice of both short sleeved & the long sleeved shirts poly

Christos pointed out to me today that I should be looking for high UV rating something I was not aware of

Posted by: poly Apr 18 2008, 03:07 AM

yep 30+ more expensive, but worth it after all u have seen how i burn.

p.s. possum said to put her down for a shirt to

Posted by: It'l Do Apr 18 2008, 03:10 AM

Jumpy, I am interested as long as the polos have a pocket. If you are buying polo's through an embroidery/printing shop pockets are easy to get.

For what it is worth Biz Collections from NZ were the most generous size but Johnny Bobbins were good as well.

BTW, I used to get our club shirts from GC Apparel. They also make their own shirts and it's in Botany.

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 18 2008, 03:16 AM

I was also thinking how earlier I'd mentioned that I didn't think the members here should have to pay for the stickers since the stickers were advertising for the site.

Now what I will do is put up a few items in the Auction Forum with the profits not going into the charity kitty

Instead towards the payment of the stickers, these items will be noted so once I decide what they'll be

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 18 2008, 03:19 AM

QUOTE (It'l Do @ Apr 18 2008, 09:10 PM) *
Jumpy, I am interested as long as the polos have a pocket. If you are buying polo's through an embroidery/printing shop pockets are easy to get.

For what it is worth Biz Collections from NZ were the most generous size but Johnny Bobbins were good as well.

BTW, I used to get our club shirts from GC Apparel. They also make their own shirts and it's in Botany.

Only down the road Freda may stop in to see what they've got.

Was told the best priced place to get the stuff from is out woop woop a place called Villawood

Posted by: Christos Apr 18 2008, 03:37 AM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 18 2008, 09:19 PM) *
out woop woop a place called Villawood

If only we knew some one out woop woop. What are we going to do to resolve this concern.

Posted by: Bees Knees Apr 18 2008, 02:23 PM

Put me in for a shirt jumpy.
I have a shirt like the one Steve wore at the meet on love it.
It has the Shimano sign across the back. Even has 2 pockets for the ciggies which won me over biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
UV rated ect,ect...

But whatever shirt you come up with i'll have pal.

But can you order me a XL shirt withh XXXL arms??? thanks in advance laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: kkw Apr 18 2008, 03:10 PM

Jed at work. Now I know why you also wear shorts with long pockets. laugh.gif

Posted by: oz man Apr 18 2008, 04:49 PM

Well I go throu woop woop daily.

Posted by: Bees Knees Apr 18 2008, 06:04 PM

QUOTE (kkw @ Apr 19 2008, 09:10 AM) *
Jed at work. Now I know why you also wear shorts with long pockets. laugh.gif

Hey that man stole my hat!!

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 18 2008, 06:20 PM

Jumpy, Ill grab a couple of hats and one of each shirts!!

we are going to have to check sizes though?

We use the biz collections shirts through work and thay are pretty good, I wear a 2XL.

As for hats? Can you let us know what style the hats are?

Posted by: jasonb Apr 18 2008, 08:01 PM

i thought the money from the charity kitty was gonna go towards all this so us members got them for free ?

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 18 2008, 08:16 PM

Think you are very mistaken jason & nowhere have I said so exept for the stickers.

The whole purpose of the auction forum is to raise money for charity & nothing else the members of this site are not a registered charity.

Alot of the items in the auction threads were either donated or given to me @ silly prices only because I told those people we were going to raise funds for a charity & I'm afraid you're looking in the wrong place if you're after freeby's.

On another note guys just to clarify a thing in regards to the shirts

OK cotton versus polyester

cotton breathes poly dosen't

cotton needs ironing after washing whereas poly dosen't [might explain why our poly is showing signs of wrinkles laugh.gif ]

After speaking to a friend yesterday who's going to take me & introduse me to his mates in the shirt importing buisness next week

Well he recomended a 50% cotton / 50 % poly mix on the shirts

Posted by: jasonb Apr 18 2008, 08:41 PM

it was mentioned somewhere that the members should or would get them for free ,,ill see if i can find it ,,then again its prolly been deleted now

Posted by: jasonb Apr 18 2008, 08:50 PM

[quote name='Jumpus GooDarus' date='Apr 3 2008, 07:35 PM' post='13455']
Jack & to the others who wanted to pay for their stickers !

They will be free of charge simply because they are promoting the site & dont think it fair members should have to pay for them.

oh look there it is ,,i wonder who said that ,,,well what do i know ,,,,,maybe you should remember what you write ,or have i some how read this wrong

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 18 2008, 09:30 PM

You should really learn how to read B4 jumping to conclusions & accusing people of going back on their word

In this thread go back & read post # 70 on page 4

Posted by: jasonb Apr 19 2008, 12:46 AM

hey smartarse i didnt say anyone went back on there word ,and no matter what everyone else wants youll do what you want too anyway so why bother even asking opinions,prolly just to make you feel better inside

Posted by: jack Apr 19 2008, 03:05 AM

QUOTE (jasonb @ Apr 19 2008, 06:46 PM) *
hey smartarse i didnt say anyone went back on there word ,and no matter what everyone else wants youll do what you want too anyway so why bother even asking opinions,prolly just to make you feel better inside

Guess they are the perks of being the owner/starter of this site.

Why do these clashes always ruin the atmosphere from time to time on every forum???


Posted by: poly Apr 19 2008, 03:19 AM

Why do these clashes always ruin the atmosphere from time to time on every forum???

a very good question, lets hope that this is the last one smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 19 2008, 03:30 AM

Getting back to the topic of shirts

Blind Freda sent me a pm in regards to Top Gear Shirts & for those who didn't know which type of shirts I was refering have a look @ this link & keep watching the pic as it will change to display various styles.

If you click on buy now it will give you an idea of cost without any discount.

Anyways these are the shirts I'll be chasing up next week & hopefully my mate can get similar @ a better price

Posted by: It'l Do Apr 19 2008, 03:42 AM

Rummy, Biz Collections are one of the most generous when it comes to sizes. A 2XL is all I need in Biz yet in some other brands I need a 3XL.

Have a look at the topgear site for an example of sizing
This is how I suggest Jumpy advises us. Worked for me in the past.
Chest is the most important size followed by sleeve length, especially for Bees. omg_smilie.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: It'l Do Apr 19 2008, 03:47 AM


Jumpy only mentions the stickers were free. It was discussed at the St George Motor Boat Club about purchasing colombian and maybe polos.

Rummy hats are the Viva ones. My guess is if you see a Viva cap you will have a good chance that the person knows Jumpy. Be like me and ask them if they know Dog Catcher had them all stumped. hysterical.gif

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 19 2008, 05:09 AM

Ive got mine mate! haha, its well and truly worn now, and since i aquired this hat, my fish catch has improved greatly and I thank the hat.. ;)

But could always use another cause its worn out!

Shirts look good... as ya know, Im keen for a few mate.. Ill buy whateva!

Jas.. Chillout mate. Ill shout ya a shirt! Ill bring it up when I come up for a shot!

Posted by: TomMc Apr 19 2008, 05:47 AM

Jump put me down for one!
long sleeve or short sleeve it dont matter there all goin to look good!
good work on the designs Jack! they look great.
Jason, the way i read it the stickers are free... stickers stay on a boat or car alot longer then a shirt or cap stays on a person mate... plus there cheaper to produce....

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 19 2008, 06:12 AM

Seems we are getting a good showing of hands for the shirts

But none of you have really gotton back on the hat issue ???

Reason I ask is that after all the gear is purchased it's time to get the embroidery done & how it works is a setup fee is charged to set up the compters operating the sewing machines.

Set up only once & the pricing stays a bit lower.

oz man had allready made enquiries to get caps supplied & embroided

I got offered those viva caps to add fishing-oz-style to them

Saving will be only about a few $$'s under the proviso that a fair size quanyity of the ones oz enquired about are purchased & that means a fair bit of $$ outlay.

Or I can send out about 50 of the viva caps & get fishing-oz-sytle added to them

So whats everyones thoughts ????????????????????

Tommy I'd love to be able to get those shirts with the sleeves that unzip etc but doubt it & yep they are a spoofy looking shirt which can be worn just about anywhere & not just fushing.

Once I get to see a few I'll post pics with the various colours so each can choose the colour of choice

That wont effect the pricing as they get sold in quantaty & not by the colour only thing that may vary is the price on the embroidery

Posted by: It'l Do Apr 19 2008, 06:39 AM

Jumpy, Count me out on the caps, I have so many that they will last my life time and they were all free. I really like the Viva cap and it is my current fishing cap.
Shirts however are something most people buy as they tend to wear out.

My thought would be:
a polo shirt to wear with pride and would look good at the meet and greets, etc.
a fishing shirt because I need a fishing shirt. tongue.gif

Just trying to keep it simple because my guess on costs will be $30-35 min for the polo and $50-55 min for the fishing shirt.

Easy to add caps as the embroidery only need to be scaled down.

Once you choose the style, post pictures of the product, the final logo and prices you'll know who is serious.

Keep going I know how much time it takes to organise. smile1.gif

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 19 2008, 07:01 AM

Are you joking Feddy ???????

Or are you trying to scare members away from purchasing ????????????????

polo's should not be anything over $20 & I'm aiming to get the shirts for around the $30 mark

Posted by: It'l Do Apr 19 2008, 07:14 AM

I hope you get good quality paneled polo shirts for that price, I could not.

The Gear For Life ones cost $22 plus a front logo for $6 and screen printing on the back for $4.
Biz and the GC were $18 plus $6 plus $4

I did get reasonable quality plain shirts for $7-8, but thought Fishing Oz Style was about style hysterical.gif

Fishing shirts was only a guess from the topgear website. I'll go back to my box now and shut up.

PS, could please you add a dunce emoticon.

Posted by: TomMc Apr 19 2008, 07:29 AM

Jump in my reply i meant i dont care what the shirts are... ill purchase one if they are short sleeved or long sleeved... never meant the ones with the zipper arms haha

Posted by: Bees Knees Apr 19 2008, 01:09 PM

QUOTE (It'l Do @ Apr 19 2008, 09:42 PM) *
Chest is the most important size followed by sleeve length, especially for Bees. omg_smilie.gif laugh.gif

Tis' not the length, tis' the girth i tells ya smile.gif smile.gif

The fishing shirt is great jumpy.. I'll have one and a hat or 2.

In regards to 50 hats.. You will get rid of 20 straight away, then with new members over the next 6 months or so, you will have something to offer them without having to go through the set up and running around..

Just my thoughts rolleyes.gif tongue.gif

I'll vote for a sky blue shirt like mine and Steve P. I dont want to be in the shallows and scare my fish with a bright yellow or something.. biggrin.gif Blends in with the sky most days!! I need every advantage i can get.

When you in there discussing shirts, can you see if they have kids sizes?? If so, I'll have one of those as well.
We got one hand made for his birthday as they said it wasn't available.. and it fits my wife.. She is more than happy with it. haha

Now that would look great.. A 6 year old with a decked out sponsored shirt tongue.gif tongue.gif

Posted by: BONECRUSHER Apr 19 2008, 01:39 PM

Hope the merchandice caters for the husky gentlemen, those viva hats dont fit my head ( massive brain inside, not doing much) Im sure they will be ok.

Posted by: poly Apr 19 2008, 01:49 PM

hats. j.g i am in for four.

i have been looking at my viva cap and i think u may have to redesign it as i don't see there is enough room for the logo.
although this is about the sites logo i do think we should try to fit viva on to shirt or hat some were as we are getting a lot of help from them. dry.gif dry.gif dry.gif

Posted by: kkw Apr 19 2008, 02:36 PM

I'm with B.C. If the caps come in man sizes, then I would get another one. Shirts - well, I'm not as husky as Coops or Steven, but xxl would be good biggrin.gif

Posted by: oz man Apr 19 2008, 02:42 PM

QUOTE (Bees Knees @ Apr 20 2008, 08:09 AM) *
In regards to 50 hats.. You will get rid of 20 straight away, then with new members over the next 6 months or so, you will have something to offer them without having to go through the set up and running around..

The minimum order they will do is 100 and the cost is $500 including a basic cap or if we supply the cap the price is about $3.00 per unit plus set up with a minimum run of 50.
But I'm still talking with them about a discount ..
Also has anyone thought of lanyards cost is $3.40ea + gst for a 100 order in a 15mm width with a keyring. Ideal for the engine keys to hang around your neck.

Dear George,

Thank you for your enquiry on our web site with regard to printed lanyards. I am happy to advise the following:


15mm, navy blue lanyards with two colour print on one side only, a split ring attachment (keyring) and no breakaway.

X 100 in quantity = $3.40c each + GST

Freight would be $15.00 + GST.

Delivery would be approx 4 weeks from artwork approval.

Kind regards

Sandy Schumacher
Identity Australia P/L
Ph. (02) 9638-0944
Fax (02) 9638-2744

Posted by: oz man Apr 19 2008, 02:44 PM

Make mine a 5 to 6 xl

Posted by: jack Apr 19 2008, 02:50 PM

wow my first thread that went past a hundred replies

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 19 2008, 04:45 PM

QUOTE (poly @ Apr 20 2008, 07:49 AM) *
hats. j.g i am in for four.

although this is about the sites logo i do think we should try to fit viva on to shirt or hat some were as we are getting a lot of help from them. dry.gif dry.gif dry.gif

Allready discussed somewhere poly & it was decided that the shirts were not to have Viva on them

Unless of course peeps want to change their mind ???????????????????????

By this I mean I could get Viva to pay for all the embroidery both fishing-oz-style & Viva logo's

That would bring the price of the shirts down a fair bit.

I look @ this with a buisness view & think if price stays low then peeps would consider buying more than one item which in turn allows a quantity buy & a better purchase price

Posted by: poly Apr 19 2008, 08:31 PM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 20 2008, 10:45 AM) *
Already discussed somewhere poly & it was decided that the shirts were not to have Viva on them

Unless of course peeps want to change their mind ???????????????????????

By this I mean I could get Viva to pay for all the embroidery both fishing-oz-style & Viva logo's

That would bring the price of the shirts down a fair bit.

I look @ this with a business view & think if price stays low then peeps would consider buying more than one item which in turn allows a quantity buy & a better purchase price

the price was not a problem as a good fishing shirt can cost around $70 here in Canberra so for me a shirt at $30 or $40 is a steel.
just didn't think the two logos would fit on the cap

i don't have a problem with the viva logo on the shirt however i would not like to see it on the stickers at all. smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 19 2008, 08:41 PM

Yea, I also have no problem with the viva logo on the shirt....

Its going another huge step, but is there a way members could get a discount card to buy viva gear?

Posted by: jack Apr 19 2008, 09:34 PM

I don't mind a Viva logo either as it would possibly lower the price as jumpy said.

In a shop you'd pay 50/60 bucks for a shirt and it has brandname on it as well (ok shimano has a better rep, but who cares).
It may also be a way to show viva that we are willing to promote the brand and who knows what doors this could open in the future.


Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 19 2008, 11:28 PM

QUOTE (Rum Dust N Ruckus @ Apr 20 2008, 02:41 PM) *
Its going another huge step, but is there a way members could get a discount card to buy viva gear?

Not really Rumpus there are to few members here to warrant such a card but when the time comes a Card may very well be on the cards laugh.gif laugh.gif

There's been a few members allready who have benefited from discounts given on the viva gear if anyone is interested in the gear all they have to do is let me know & if there's a tackle shop in their area who stocks the gear I'll see what I can do about geting them a good discount.

The way I view it I'm giving that store a sale they never had.

Now there are Bargains to be gotten here in our Auction Forum & there's allways the high turnover stores like Amazon who sell @ very low prices but buying from them is not the same as from your traditional Bait & Tackle Store the guys in these stores generally have a much better knowledge of gear + generally will give their customers helpfull hints as well.

Now Viva are only a relatively new brand name in Australia & so far have not brought in alot of good quality stuff they were getting their feelers out & foot in the door so to speak.

Their new range of reels are very very nice I have been using a few for about 6 weeks now all their new better quality stuff cant be gotten @ places like Amazon & only a select few shops will be selling them.

When I'm finally allowed to show off some of the new gear I'll introduce then in the reviews forum, some here who've been out for a fish with me will vouch how nice the new spin reels are.

There's also a few guys here who have benefited in the whitegoods dept most recent was Christos with his camera when he went into the Good Guys @ Caringbah.

Nick down there will look after any of the members here price wise as long as you guys let either CATCH22 or myself know you're going down there & we'll let Nick know you're coming.

When I'm there next I'll also have a word with him in regards site support & that's when I'll seriously give some thought to getting members cards for the site once I've organised a few more Co's to support this site.

I don't mind a Viva logo either as it would possibly lower the price as jumpy said.

In a shop you'd pay 50/60 bucks for a shirt and it has brandname on it as well (ok shimano has a better rep, but who cares).
It may also be a way to show viva that we are willing to promote the brand and who knows what doors this could open in the future

Reason I threw that back into the equation Jack & the rest of you guys was very simple

It allows us to keep the price of shirts down in price & I figured if we can keep the price low enough then peeps will consider buying more than one shirt which in turn allows me a better buying price. will be the hi-light in big letters on the backs & the viva logo in much smaller letters say on one of the pockets

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 19 2008, 11:30 PM

Hey Jack !

Got your email D/L file

Now what the hell program will open a PSD file ???? laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: poly Apr 19 2008, 11:39 PM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 20 2008, 05:30 PM) *
Hey Jack !

Got your email D/L file

Now what the hell program will open a PSD file ???? laugh.gif laugh.gif
a can opner maybe hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

Posted by: TomMc Apr 19 2008, 11:48 PM

Jump id be happy to be wearing a shirt that had viva on it aswell as fishing-oz-style....
And ozman great idea about the lanyards ill be grabbing a couple of them...
Ill also be grabbing a hat when numbers are taken...

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 20 2008, 12:05 AM

kkw & Coops !

Not sure hats can be gotten to fit over your big swollen heads laugh.gif laugh.gif

But ! if you's can find any cant see any prob getting the oz style logo sewn into them when the hats get sent out.

I really dont want 2B be held responsible if I get the biggest size available & you guys get another Head Swell & they dont fit laugh.gif laugh.gif

oz man !

Not sure those lanyards are such a good idea mainly because you have to buy bulk & we'd get stuck with them & think keeping the cost of everything down is a pretty important issue.

No good having items sitting idley about they'll only jack up the price of other item

Make mine a 5 to 6 xl

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !

that's 2 shirts ?? think you should get charged double laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: A pirate Apr 21 2008, 02:06 AM

I know this was spoken a while ago but for easy of getting new members and memory jog is there still a way the club can become a .com rather than .info.
easier to get that on a sticker.

Posted by: Phil Apr 21 2008, 02:58 AM

Have you decided on the shirts and caps yet?I,ll take a fishing shirt ,size L If its got a POLLY boat on the back thats a bonus hysterical.gif Yellow of course.Phil

Posted by: oz man Apr 21 2008, 03:44 AM

QUOTE (A pirate @ Apr 21 2008, 09:06 PM) *
I know this was spoken a while ago but for easy of getting new members and memory jog is there still a way the club can become a .com rather than .info.
easier to get that on a sticker.

sorry but .com has already been taken, I have my name down for it when it does come available LIST IS WHO HAS IT AT .WHO IS.

Aron Hausler

2 Carramar Ave
Adelaide, South Australia 5039

Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 11-Feb-05
Expires on: 11-Feb-09
Last Updated on: 12-Oct-07

Administrative Contact:
hausler, aron
Aron Hausler
2 Carramar Ave
Adelaide, South Australia 5039

Technical Contact:
hausler, aron
Aron Hausler
2 Carramar Ave
Adelaide, South Australia 5039

Domain servers in listed order:

Registry Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Status: clientRenewProhibited
Registry Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registry Status: clientUpdateProhibited

The domain is only parked at GO Daddy but he has it registered till 2009.
What a bugger.
maybe we should send an email seeing if he is interested in selling.

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 21 2008, 03:51 AM

pirate !

Yes it was discussed somewhere just cant recall where anyways think oz said he couldn't get .com for some reason or other but we dont need th - -'s anymore

Not yet phil

Just to keep you's updated

Dropped in for the stickers 2day left the disc there cause boss man was out & I'll ring him 2morro or pop around again to sort them.

Got taken to look @ some shirts but there were none like the ones we're after but that mob had no shortage of Polo Neck shirts @ very good prices.

One of my tennants is a clothing manufacturer & I'll pop in to see her 2morro she'll be able to tell me where to get them.

The ones discussed earlier where a link was supplied ?

Well they're over in WA & I dont like buying without seeing 1st + all transactions are done over the net which I'm not a fan of.

Prefer to view goods check quality pay for them & if there's any probs I know exactly where to return them to

Posted by: jack Apr 21 2008, 04:12 AM

QUOTE (oz man @ Apr 21 2008, 09:44 PM) *
maybe we should send an email seeing if he is interested in selling.

Good Luck, my guess he is in it for the money


Posted by: Bees Knees Apr 21 2008, 06:22 AM

QUOTE (jack @ Apr 21 2008, 10:12 PM) *
Good Luck, my guess he is in it for the money


Dont call him Oz, he will re-register it in spite... Just send one of those characters from Underbelly yo see him!! dry.gif

Posted by: oz man Apr 21 2008, 01:30 PM

nah I found out that Go Daddy has a cash for parking plan which gives him like 60% or better of the ads they put up on his parked domain .If it worked he could be making a small fortune,as they only charge like $50.00 for the year and that includes the domain ,and Go daddy are real selective of the ads to make the most of their servers.

Posted by: Bees Knees Apr 21 2008, 01:56 PM

QUOTE (oz man @ Apr 22 2008, 07:30 AM) *
nah I found out that Go Daddy has a cash for parking plan which gives him like 60% or better of the ads they put up on his parked domain .If it worked he could be making a small fortune,as they only charge like $50.00 for the year and that includes the domain ,and Go daddy are real selective of the ads to make the most of their servers.

Please explain??

Posted by: oz man Apr 21 2008, 03:40 PM

ok you have a domain like they park the domain on their server.
You pay like $3.99 a month plus the domain cost and they then put ads on it via google or some other ad place.

Posted by: TomMc Apr 21 2008, 06:28 PM

so he is making money off of people spelling this sites name wrong?

Posted by: oz man Apr 22 2008, 02:17 AM

Have a look at this place and the variety they can do and the sizes , some items go to 5xl and 6xl.

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 22 2008, 03:33 AM

Same sort of place that I went to yesterday only difference is I got much much much better priced than that link.

Neither have what we want exept for the polo shirts.

Wont say who but one of the members here is getting a relo to price our embroidery.

What I really want to do is have someone local here do the embroidery that way down the track if need be I can send more shirts out to get done.

Think we're getting a good response so far & when the pricing is finalised it might be a good idea to send out bulk emails to all the registered members some who dont log on may be interested.

Posted by: oz man Apr 22 2008, 12:33 PM

Was just pointing out the variety ,and those prices include 3000 stitches so we had ideas and they are only 1km from me , was going to call in and see what they offer on a business deal and what volume etc.
The big part how I understand is the artwork, once set up we can get a variety at no extra charges.

Posted by: CATCH22 Apr 22 2008, 03:50 PM

QUOTE (SUMOFISHIN @ Apr 5 2008, 08:51 AM) *
For Many years I had Polo Shirts Screen Printed, I gave them to friends and even sold them in the shops, they last for many years, I still see them on the streets and have seen them all around the country, especially up and down the Qld Coast where I travelled a lot. they could be Printed up using Jack's Logo It could say something like I'm A member of
Why don't you Join.

Here is a sample of My old Shirts

Posted by: oz man Apr 23 2008, 01:55 AM

QUOTE (oz man @ Apr 23 2008, 06:33 AM) *
Was just pointing out the variety ,and those prices include 3000 stitches so we had ideas and they are only 1km from me , was going to call in and see what they offer on a business deal and what volume etc.
The big part how I understand is the artwork, once set up we can get a variety at no extra charges.

Deal they offered was a $60.00 set up and a minimum 4 order on most items but when the set up is done and is programmed they will do some items as singular.The price to have put across the back of the viva caps is $4.00 with a minimum 30 caps.

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 23 2008, 08:27 PM

OK Guys

Think I've found the shirts that everyone will be happy with esp with the price so I think we will get members buying more than 1

How's just over $20 per shirt sound give or take a dollar ????????????????????????

Here's a link to the shirts

All I need now is one of the larger members here to try the biggest size which is a XXXL

In other words I need Wun Phat Gui laugh.gif laugh.gif

Teach you bastards to call me skinny laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: kkw Apr 23 2008, 08:31 PM

Hey!!! I have a heap of blue shirts just like that. Take off the epaulettes and the 'embroidery' off the arms and presto. laugh.gif

Posted by: Rum Dust N Ruckus Apr 23 2008, 08:32 PM

Looks good.. You going to get long or hort sleeve?

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 23 2008, 08:50 PM

kk you ninkompoopy

That's why I was asking for Wun Phat Gui like yourself to model the shirt

I have both colours here & the lightish?brownish/greyish coloured one looks heeps better

Pic in link is not that crash hot

Rumpus you're another ninkompoopy

If you would've read that link you would've seen the shirts come both long & short sleeved

You pair are Brurry Big Irriots laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: jack Apr 23 2008, 08:53 PM

Nice looking Shirts

So it's gonna have barrawear, Viva and our logo on it?

Can we mix and match long sleeve/short sleeves and colours?


Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 23 2008, 09:08 PM

Choice of long/short sleeve is not a prob Jack

BUT I'd prefer to stick to one colour

Dont quote me on that as that comment is made assuming extra setup costs will be incurred with embroidery

I have no idea so I'm playing it safe with that comment

Posted by: poly Apr 24 2008, 12:06 AM

yep look good long sleeve for me in what ever colour u like, to bad they don't come in yellow smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

Posted by: Christos Apr 24 2008, 12:35 AM

I like the shirt.

Now as for the bike shorts. I do not think that she should be wearing that. Would have been better to be wearing shorts that sort of comes to her knees. dry.gif

Posted by: Christos Apr 24 2008, 12:37 AM

Now for the one fat guy that you are asking for I do not know many people that are fat and we can give to a tall fellow that we can give a pillow to. Would that pass as ok.

Posted by: oz man Apr 24 2008, 01:37 AM

QUOTE (Christos @ Apr 24 2008, 06:37 PM) *
Now for the one fat guy that you are asking for I do not know many people that are fat and we can give to a tall fellow that we can give a pillow to. Would that pass as ok.

Well I'm a 140kg and 6'

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 24 2008, 01:40 AM

OK guy's Jimbooky called around an hour or so ago & I got him to put on the shirt unfortunatly I didn't have a frock to get him to wear laugh.gif laugh.gif

Now this shirt was XXXL & Booky is a pretty big boy it is loose on him & he said there was plenty of room inside the shirt but I wasn't game enough if you's no what I mean laugh.gif laugh.gif

What my concern is that I cant get them in a bigger size than XXXL I know a couple reqested bigger that's why I need Wun of the really big boys to try Wun on.

Now I tried on the blue Wun in a M size & it fitted quite nicely a touch big but thats the way I liked it+ mind you's Jumpus really made the shirt look good laugh.gif laugh.gif

Tell you's what the blue looks kinda spoofy but here's the other colour
ps] check out the pockets @ front there's 4 of them.
ps again] I didn't know till he sent me a pm , but Arnie did a review on these shirts last year he may want to tell us what he thought of them

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 24 2008, 01:42 AM

QUOTE (oz man @ Apr 24 2008, 07:37 PM) *
Well I'm a 140kg and 6'

oz !

Booky is over 6 ft not quite 140 kg think you better try Wun on

ps] Wot happened to the Wabbit diet oz woman had you on ???

Posted by: It'l Do Apr 24 2008, 02:43 AM


Embroiderer can make it a patch to go over another logo.
I cannot tell if the logo on the shirt is printed or embroidered. What is it?
Does it have to stay?

Can you measure across the armpit of that 3XL for us.

Good work and who would have thought and so close to home.

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 24 2008, 04:51 AM

QUOTE (It'l Do @ Apr 24 2008, 08:43 PM) *

Embroiderer can make it a patch to go over another logo.
I cannot tell if the logo on the shirt is printed or embroidered. What is it?
Does it have to stay?

No probs if you want it removed or covered you'll have to pay for it & the shirt will cost you

emot201.gif $50 each laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: CATCH22 Apr 24 2008, 04:57 AM


Posted by: It'l Do Apr 24 2008, 05:44 AM

Dave, at $50 a piece not a problem. Now can I interest you in some $30 caps????

Now can I interest you in becoming a site donator as well? tongue.gif

Think I will become a lurker.

Posted by: CATCH22 Apr 24 2008, 06:02 AM

goodonyaboy cheaper buy the dozen lurker

Posted by: SUMOFISHIN Apr 24 2008, 01:58 PM

WUN FAT GUY At the ready just post one up or wait till I come to Sydney in a week or so If they fit me they'll fit anyone, and you skinny guys can use them for camping in.

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 24 2008, 04:57 PM

Like I said I'm pretty sure the XXXL will fit the big guys

Look @ the pic & you's can see there's a bit of extra room in the sleeves + in the body

As far as the shirts go & the existing Barra Wear Logo, it actually looks very spoofy not to mention that I was very well looked after in the costing dept so it was not a very good comment to have been asked if it can be removed or covered hence the reply I gave.

Now if anyone wants these shirts as they are straight from the packet without our site logo etc, say as a presnt to someone you can purchase them for an additional $10 each.

Think thats fair after all the concept of the merchandise was to promote the site & for the members the extra extra $10 will either go in the charity kitty or help pay for stickers or other items that may be decided on in the future

Posted by: oz man Apr 24 2008, 07:36 PM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 24 2008, 10:51 PM) *
No probs if you want it removed or covered you'll have to pay for it & the shirt will cost you

emot201.gif $50 each laugh.gif laugh.gif

Just a question what happened to just over $20.00.

Posted by: jack Apr 25 2008, 12:13 AM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 25 2008, 10:57 AM) *
Like I said I'm pretty sure the XXXL will fit the big guys

Look @ the pic & you's can see there's a bit of extra room in the sleeves + in the body

As far as the shirts go & the existing Barra Wear Logo, it actually looks very spoofy not to mention that I was very well looked after in the costing dept so it was not a very good comment to have been asked if it can be removed or covered hence the reply I gave.

Now if anyone wants these shirts as they are straight from the packet without our site logo etc, say as a presnt to someone you can purchase them for an additional $10 each.

Think thats fair after all the concept of the merchandise was to promote the site & for the members the extra extra $10 will either go in the charity kitty or help pay for stickers or other items that may be decided on in the future


DO I get this right?

around 20 bucks with site logo and barra wear logo and around 30 bucks without site logo?
No Viva logo?


Posted by: Arnie Dog Apr 25 2008, 01:00 AM

Jack these are very good shirts I did a product review on them 12mths ago for Fishing World Magazine and believe me they are just as good if not better than the Shimano stuff and half or third of the price. I never used to wear stuff like that cause I thought it was too Poofy but I hardly ever go fishing wthout wearing a Barra Wear shirt mind you I got quite a few free bees but that comes with the turf. Honestly they are good gear. An 80/20 blend of Cotton and Polyeyster

WOOOOOF Dog05.gif


Posted by: Christos Apr 25 2008, 01:07 AM

Cool then I see that the shirts have been decided.

Posted by: jack Apr 25 2008, 02:14 AM

QUOTE (Arnie Dog @ Apr 25 2008, 07:00 PM) *
Jack these are very good shirts I did a product review on them 12mths ago for Fishing World Magazine and believe me they are just as good if not better than the Shimano stuff and half or third of the price. I never used to wear stuff like that cause I thought it was too Poofy but I hardly ever go fishing wthout wearing a Barra Wear shirt mind you I got quite a few free bees but that comes with the turf. Honestly they are good gear. An 80/20 blend of Cotton and Polyeyster

WOOOOOF Dog05.gif

I like the shirts too.

Just wondered if pricing and embroideries have been decided yet....And most importantly, Delivery.


Ps: websites says they are 100% cotton

Posted by: flattie_hunter Apr 25 2008, 03:00 AM

i hope you have shirrts that fit me im only 52 kgs tongue.gif

Posted by: CATCH22 Apr 25 2008, 03:28 AM

QUOTE (Arnie Dog @ Apr 25 2008, 07:00 PM) *
Jack these are very good shirts I did a product review on them 12mths ago for Fishing World Magazine and believe me they are just as good if not better than the Shimano stuff and half or third of the price. I never used to wear stuff like that cause I thought it was too Poofy but I hardly ever go fishing wthout wearing a Barra Wear shirt mind you I got quite a few free bees but that comes with the turf. Honestly they are good gear. An 80/20 blend of Cotton and Polyeyster

WOOOOOF Dog05.gif

jezz your a good looking bloke should have been a model....if ya wasnt married id ah chew .....goodonyabobby

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 25 2008, 03:54 AM

QUOTE (oz man @ Apr 25 2008, 01:36 PM) *
Just a question what happened to just over $20.00.


They are $20 oz the $50 was a joke

I tired & off to bed shortly so I'll make this brief for those who dont understand whats going on

Shirts will cost members here $20 - $25 each depending on whether goods donated in the Auctions forum get sold it seems to be a bit slow @ present with not much interest.

I did originally say the stickers & embroidery will be free of charge & I aim to keep my end of the bargain.

Money has to come from somewhere goods have been donated & thats where the funding is coming from.


With these shirts I have been very well looked after price wise with pressure to purchase large quantities etc I can buy 1 or I can buy 100 off them & it's the same price which is a bonus cause down the track if peeps want more there's no probs getting them & keeping them @ the same price.

Arnie Dog has done a review on the shirts go back & read what he had to say.

In time I will be thanking the supplier in public & that's why I made a joke & said the shirts will cost $50 each if you want the Barra Wear logo removed, when a Company comes along & wants to lend support to a site like this one you dont return the favour by removing their logo.

Would you do it if you purchased an Armani Suit ???????????????????????

Daniel !

Matey come monday or tuesday I'm going back to pick up a shirt of every size for peeps to try on if they so wish, I know a few of the members here have young kiddies & it would be great if we can get shirts to fit everyone.

Now !

We cant please everyone & if anyone wants to do the whole running around thingy to see if they can get a better deal than this one ??

By all means do so I'll welcome it

Posted by: kkw Apr 25 2008, 04:01 AM

Cut the sleeves off Sumos shirt and get your mum to sew buttons on them. That way you will have two shirts, FH.

Posted by: jack Apr 25 2008, 04:06 AM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 25 2008, 09:54 PM) *
depending on whether goods donated in the Auctions forum get sold it seems to be a bit slow @ present with not much interest.

Unfortunately the weather is pretty bad for regular fishing (I guess most of us like nice weather, judging from the number of fishing reports) so people don't buy gear either I think.


Posted by: CATCH22 Apr 25 2008, 03:21 PM

jumpy you are doing a great job dont have to keep assureing us i know 100% honest and loyal so go ahead and do what ya gotta do we will all support you and the site you dont have to tell us every little detail just do it those they dont wanna spend $25 cant help but members like myself are keen so just get the bloody things done .please ...boyz just give jumps all go lets get these excited ....and again i thank you jump on behalf of member and myself for all the effort and time you have put into not only chassing the shirts but even to get us all a great deal but all the other stuff you do for the site .....what you reckon guys....start ordering and cut the bullshit ....

Posted by: STEVE.P Apr 25 2008, 04:38 PM

QUOTE (Arnie Dog @ Apr 25 2008, 08:00 PM) *
Jack these are very good shirts I did a product review on them 12mths ago for Fishing World Magazine and believe me they are just as good if not better than the Shimano stuff and half or third of the price. I never used to wear stuff like that cause I thought it was too Poofy but I hardly ever go fishing wthout wearing a Barra Wear shirt mind you I got quite a few free bees but that comes with the turf. Honestly they are good gear. An 80/20 blend of Cotton and Polyeyster

WOOOOOF Dog05.gif

nice shot bobs , was that the shirt when i was down fishing with you , if so I liked them.
Just a note to members who spin for breams and things in shallow water I would recomend the blue as it blends in with the blue sky and when fishing shallow water for spooky fish you blend in more to the surrounds ,
if wearing a dark shirt against blue sky you stand out as a preditor to spooky fish. just a thought for you guys. Plus they look mutch nicer taz.gif taz.gif

Posted by: flattie_hunter Apr 25 2008, 05:16 PM

QUOTE (CATCH22 @ Apr 26 2008, 09:21 AM) *
jumpy you are doing a great job dont have to keep assureing us i know 100% honest and loyal so go ahead and do what ya gotta do we will all support you and the site you dont have to tell us every little detail just do it those they dont wanna spend $25 cant help but members like myself are keen so just get the bloody things done .please ...boyz just give jumps all go lets get these excited ....and again i thank you jump on behalf of member and myself for all the effort and time you have put into not only chassing the shirts but even to get us all a great deal but all the other stuff you do for the site .....what you reckon guys....start ordering and cut the bullshit ....

tight asses laugh.giflaugh.gif

guys all up for shirts but can not make it over for the t-shirt fitting thingy cause my dad works so yer just give me some stickers at the next meetand then later on i might get a shirt if you have some else there that the same weight and if it fits em it fit me .... cheers .... hats are cool tho

Posted by: Bees Knees Apr 25 2008, 06:03 PM

QUOTE (STEVE.P @ Apr 26 2008, 10:38 AM) *
Just a note to members who spin for breams and things in shallow water I would recomend the blue as it blends in with the blue sky and when fishing shallow water for spooky fish you blend in more to the surrounds ,
if wearing a dark shirt against blue sky you stand out as a preditor to spooky fish. just a thought for you guys. Plus they look mutch nicer taz.gif taz.gif

Yeah Steve i mentioned that somewhere before.. Question; How would poly go out there laugh.gif BananaCrazy.gif

Posted by: Arnie Dog Apr 25 2008, 06:40 PM

Stop picking on our POLY poke.gif He had his poly moulded with super duper special ingredients in the plastic so that from underneath it appears a greeny blue, eh Pol !! You out thought those nasty Poly haters this time bro BananaCrazy.gif BananaCrazy.gif

Posted by: Arnie Dog Apr 25 2008, 06:42 PM

QUOTE (STEVE.P @ Apr 26 2008, 10:38 AM) *
nice shot bobs , was that the shirt when i was down fishing with you , if so I liked them.
Just a note to members who spin for breams and things in shallow water I would recomend the blue as it blends in with the blue sky and when fishing shallow water for spooky fish you blend in more to the surrounds ,
if wearing a dark shirt against blue sky you stand out as a preditor to spooky fish. just a thought for you guys. Plus they look mutch nicer taz.gif taz.gif

Yeah Bud it is a good pic you took it hysterical.gif hysterical.gif Seriously they are a great shirt from a great company with a SUPER GREAT MANAGER

Posted by: Arnie Dog Apr 25 2008, 10:32 PM

QUOTE (jack @ Apr 25 2008, 08:14 PM) *
I like the shirts too.

Just wondered if pricing and embroideries have been decided yet....And most importantly, Delivery.


Ps: websites says they are 100% cotton

Trust me jack they are 80/20 cotton and poly respectivley. They say never trust a man who says trust me but you CAN trust me on this cause I have em. The Manager and I had this talk on 100% cotton and it would take a month of Sundays to iron the things

Posted by: Arnie Dog Apr 25 2008, 10:37 PM

QUOTE (flattie_hunter @ Apr 25 2008, 09:00 PM) *
i hope you have shirrts that fit me im only 52 kgs tongue.gif


Posted by: kkw Apr 25 2008, 11:55 PM

QUOTE (Arnie Dog @ Apr 26 2008, 04:32 PM) *
it would take a month of Sundays to iron the things

Iron????? shirts need ironing??? What will they think of next.

Posted by: flattie_hunter Apr 26 2008, 12:46 AM

ditto kk laugh.giflaugh.gif next they need to eat food like dave :Lol:LOL:

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 26 2008, 03:01 AM

QUOTE (STEVE.P @ Apr 26 2008, 10:38 AM) *
nice shot bobs , was that the shirt when i was down fishing with you , if so I liked them.
Just a note to members who spin for breams and things in shallow water I would recomend the blue as it blends in with the blue sky and when fishing shallow water for spooky fish you blend in more to the surrounds ,
if wearing a dark shirt against blue sky you stand out as a preditor to spooky fish. just a thought for you guys. Plus they look mutch nicer taz.gif taz.gif

Really ???

Why dont you tell Jack how many Blue Shirts you own ???

And what colour you're allways seen wearing ???

Listen Guys

All this trivial yap yap is getting a bit tiresome from my end & I'm losing interest very quickly in organising any merchandise @ all

If you've got a legit concern then present it else I'd appreciate you's not saying anything to stir up others

Like I said if any one of you's wants to take over organising the gear let me know & you can take over

Posted by: poly Apr 27 2008, 01:15 AM

j.g. if i may ask, there was some talk about brag mats, do u think they will be available at some stage. dry.gif dry.gif dry.gif

Posted by: STEVE.P Apr 28 2008, 11:41 PM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 26 2008, 10:01 PM) *
Really ???

Why dont you tell Jack how many Blue Shirts you own ???

And what colour you're allways seen wearing ???

Listen Guys

All this trivial yap yap is getting a bit tiresome from my end & I'm losing interest very quickly in organising any merchandise @ all

If you've got a legit concern then present it else I'd appreciate you's not saying anything to stir up others

Like I said if any one of you's wants to take over organising the gear let me know & you can take over

Firstly It wasnt something I wrote to stir up things , I dont see it as trivial yap yap , I wrote it as a genuine piece ,
to other members its called shareing ideas .
I only see your childish quotes back as trvial yap yap.
1 blue / 1 light brown / 1 tan / 1 short sleeve tan , you can relay that to jack your self argue.gif

Posted by: jack Apr 30 2008, 12:20 AM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 25 2008, 09:54 PM) *
Matey come monday or tuesday I'm going back to pick up a shirt of every size for peeps to try on if they so wish, I know a few of the members here have young kiddies & it would be great if we can get shirts to fit everyone.

Hi Jumpy did you manage to get hold of the shirts in all sizes?

If so can I come over and have a fitting?

If not how large is jimbooky compared to me. (I'm 6' 1" and 110 kilo)

Are the shirts w/o logo cheaper than with logo??


Posted by: A pirate Apr 30 2008, 12:26 AM

Im interested in ordering 1x XXL with logos but Jumpus are they a bigger fit or smaller fit? im usually an XL but with a larger fits im a L then ill add an extra size as i like them a bit baggy in the hot sun.

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus Apr 30 2008, 12:58 AM

Yep Guys I picked up a shirt of each of the sizes so no probs trying one on 1st to get the best fit

OH yeah Jack !

Ducking out for a few hrs but when I get back we'll have to discuss a few mods to logo in regards to the stickers

Got fed some info today after visiting the sign place

Posted by: jack Apr 30 2008, 01:02 AM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ Apr 30 2008, 06:58 PM) *
Yep Guys I picked up a shirt of each of the sizes so no probs trying one on 1st to get the best fit

OH yeah Jack !

Ducking out for a few hrs but when I get back we'll have to discuss a few mods to logo in regards to the stickers

Got fed some info today after visiting the sign place


If possible I can drop by tomorrow after dinner for a fitting and go through the changes


Posted by: kkw May 14 2008, 12:02 AM

QUOTE (kkw @ Apr 19 2008, 09:10 AM) *
Jed at work. Now I know why you also wear shorts with long pockets. laugh.gif

Bees Knees - Storms72 wants one of your shirts. He also has long arms.

Posted by: Bees Knees May 14 2008, 01:05 AM

QUOTE (kkw @ May 14 2008, 06:02 PM) *
Bees Knees - Storms72 wants one of your shirts. He also has long arms.

Great work Klaus.. One of your best hysterical.gif hysterical.gif fish.gif

Posted by: Jumpus GooDarus May 14 2008, 01:09 AM

Well if you guys must know ???

The guy in the picture is kkw all dressed up en route to a Elton John Concert laugh.gif laugh.gif

Posted by: Bees Knees May 14 2008, 01:23 AM

QUOTE (Jumpus GooDarus @ May 14 2008, 07:09 PM) *
Well if you guys must know ???

The guy in the picture is kkw all dressed up en route to a Elton John Concert laugh.gif laugh.gif

I'd love to know where you blokes find all these things??? I just looked at the photo again and cracked up laugh.gif

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